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"The best of all possible preparations! We none of us know what may happen we cannot tell whether life or death awaits us it is wise to prepare for either by words of penitence and devotion! I admire this beautiful spirit in you, carina! Go to the convent by all means!

At the beginning of the year in which those transactions passed, after Manius Acilius had gone to open the campaign, and while the other consul, Publius Cornelius, yet remained in Rome, two tame oxen, it is said, climbed up by ladders on the tiles of a house in the Carina. The aruspices ordered them to be burned alive, and their ashes to be thrown into the Tiber.

Carina had just completed her simple toilet when Guro, the chamber-maid, entered, and announced that there were some sick folk below who wished to see the wonder child. "Tell them I cannot see them," answered Carina, with a tremulous voice; "papa does not permit me."

Testa obtecte perforata, lenticulari-depressa, orbicularis, carinata, crassiuscula, superne fulva, radiato-striata, minutissime granulata, carina acuta, superne subcrenulata, basi convexa, nitidissima, griseo-albida, radiatim substriata ad umbilicum declivens; spira convexiuscula; anfractus 5, planulati; apertura angulato-lunaris, intus margaritacea; peristoma simplex, basi incrassatum, ad columellam expansiusculum.

"Thou art wise, carina: and we who love her will see that the ill word goeth not beyond." But the speech of the Consiglière had caused such consternation that it could not be immediately dismissed; and one of the elder ladies of the Court was obliged to explain it, for "excommunication" was a word of evil omen. "The word is a slander," she said.

"There will be no war," Marcantonio declared, with assurance. "Thou see'st, carina, these matters are not for women to discuss; they cannot understand; they are questions for the government alone; and well it is for us that the clergy are out of it, or we might have the spectacle of a Senate drowned in tears!

Immense boulders, with an occasional tree growing out of a crevice, and every here and there clumps of firs, every yard affording excellent cover for a hidden enemy. Our destination was Carina, a collection of stone huts on an open green slope, which reaches up to the rocky sides of the Kom.

There is one event which happened back there in Colorado, right after Carina was killed, which has never can never be explained. It is the only detail of that awful tragedy which I have not told your father, and I could not even tell you." "Can't you tell me enough so I can really help you, Eleanor?" "No, not even as much as that. The appearances were all against me.

It was Carina, indeed; but the storm whirled her tiny voice away over the waves, and her father, folding her with one arm to his breast, while holding the sheet with the other, did not hear what she answered to his fervent exclamation. He only knew that her dear little head rested close to his heart, and that her yellow hair blew across his face.

Individual caecal branches are not unfrequently seen even in the vicinity of the carina; and, at least in some species, in which the cement-ducts divide into extremely numerous and fine branchlets, forming a network which gradually becomes denser towards the circumference of the basis, these seem nowhere to possess an orifice.