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Moreover he bade them take a thousand marks of silver to the Monastery of St. Pedro de Cardena, and give them to the Abbot, and thirty marks, of gold for his wife and daughters, that they might prepare themselves and come in honourable guise.

Pedro de Cardena, give clothing to four thousand poor, to each a skirt of escanforte and a mantle. And he bequeathed to Dona Ximena all that he had in the world, that she might live honourably for the remainder of her days in the Monastery of St. Pedro de Cardena; and he commanded Cil Diaz to remain with her and serve her well all the days of her life.

And of the company of the Cid, some went with the King of Navarre, and other some with the Infante of Aragon; but the greater number, and the most honourable among them, betook themselves to King Don Alfonso, whose natural subjects they were. And Dona Ximena and her companions abode in San Pedro de Cardena, and Gil Diaz with her, as the Cid had commanded in his testament.

Three tenth-century Spanish MSS., two from the Abbey of S. Pedro de Cardeña, one from Silos, happen, by an odd and lucky accident, to be elaborately described in Berganza's España Sagrada; how it was that exactly these books came into Libri's hands it is not likely that we shall discover.

Pedro de Cardena and he called for Alvar Fanez and Martin Antolinez of Burgos, and spake with them, and besought them that they would go to Castille, to King Don Alfonso and take him a present from the riches which God had given them; and the present should be a hundred horses, saddled and bridled; and that they would kiss the King's hand for him, and beseech him to send to him his wife Dona Ximena, and his daughters; and that they would tell the King all the mercy which God had shown him, and how he was at his service with Valencia and with all that he had.

Pedro de Cardena, wherein lies the body of Cid Campeador, your great grandfather; and for that reason presuming on your bounty and favour, I am come hither with this banner, which was borne before him in his battles, to beseech you that you would leave this booty for the honour of this banner and of the body of the Cid.

XIV. King Don Alfonso, and the sons-in-law of the Cid, King Don Ramiro of Navarre, and the Infante Don Sancho of Aragon, with all their companies, and all the other honourable men, abode three weeks in St. Pedro de Cardena, doing honour to the Cid.

At this time King Don Alfonso abode in Toledo, and when the letters came unto him saying how the Cid Campeador was departed, and after what manner he had discomfited King Bucar, and how they brought him in this goodly manner upon his horse Bavieca, he set out from Toledo, taking long journeys till he came to San Pedro de Cardena to do honour to the Cid at his funeral.

Pedro de Cardena. And an account of this translation, and of all this which befell, was drawn up by the Abbot Fray Lope de Frias, and signed by all the brethren of the Monastery, and all the chief persons there present.

Pedro de Cardena, know ye that we have ordered to be given, and do hereby give our edict unto you, to the following tenor.