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The next morning Riddell and those interested in the discipline of the school were surprised to see that the excitement was apparently abated, instead of, as might have been expected, increased. The attendance at morning chapel and call-over was most punctual, and between breakfast and first school only two boys came to him to ask for permits to go into town.

But what's the odds as long as you're 'appy? We're all right." They were, and their very rightness puzzled Prout, King, and the Sergeant. Boys with bad consciences show it. They slink out past the Fives Court in haste, and smile nervously when questioned. They return, disordered, in bare time to save a call-over.

Then it suddenly began to occur to these elated young navigators that if it had been time for the four-oar to turn three minutes ago it was possibly time for them to turn also. "What did he say the time was?" asked King. "Five o'clock!" said Lawkins. "Five o'clock! and call-over is at 5:20! We can't do it in the time!" exclaimed Parson, aghast. "My eye, what a row there'll be," groaned Telson.

"Not until after call-over. Come on!" "I say," said Orrin, stiffly, as they fell into their places along the walls of the gymnasium. "The house are goin' to hold another meeting." "Hold away, then." Stalky's mind was elsewhere. "It's about you three this time." "All right, give 'em my love... Here, sir," and he tore down the corridor.

You've mucked up my afternoon, and I'm hanged if I don't tell Lancaster." Ten minutes after roll-call the janitor let them out, and shortly afterwards a wretched procession of five emerged from Merishall's room with two hundred lines from Virgil hanging over each head for a missed call-over without excuse.

The boys had a short game at skittles and a short game at bowls, and bought a few buns and an ice at the refreshment stall, and then departed schoolwards. They reached Willoughby in good time for call-over, no one except Riddell being aware of their pleasant expedition. Still Wyndham, when it was all over, did not feel altogether comfortable.

The schoolboys waxed more and more outrageous, and the town boys more and more indignant, so that just about the time when the poll was closing, and when call-over was being sounded up at the school, a free fight had begun in the streets of Shellport.

"I beg to move that Sir George Pony is a fit and proper member for Willoughby," he screamed. "I think the Radicals ought all to be hung. I am not going to continue the report of this animated and intellectual meeting. It lasted till call-over, was renewed again directly after tea, and continued long after the speakers and audience were in bed.

Would it have pained him to know that three- quarters of those who, politics-mad, had thus broken bounds that afternoon had never so much as given him a thought in the matter, and in fact had gone off, not to defy him, but simply to please themselves? The bell for call-over rang, and Riddell went despondingly to the big hall.

So off they went, and the Welchers' practice continued gaily till the bell for call-over sounded. "Riddell," said Cusack, who had become captain's fag since the migration to Welch's, "there's a letter for you." "Where?" asked the captain. "On your table. I saw it there when I was sticking away your pens just now." "You may as well bring it," said Riddell; "I am going to the library."