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You're considerable smart, Miss Jinny, but I'll bet you can't tell me where I was, now." "I do not care to know. The place might save you again." He showed his disappointment. "I cal'lated it might interest you to know how I dodged the Sovereign State of Missouri. General Halleck made an order that released a man from enrolling on payment of ten dollars. I paid.

Incidentally she was kind of glad she didn't like the place, because now she cal'lated she should go West and visit her niece; they'd been wanting her to come for so long. Gabe was much interested and repeated the monologue, with imaginative additions, to the depot master, who, in turn, repeated it to his wife when he went home to dinner. That lady attended sewing circle in the afternoon.

Fosdick means is had you cal'lated that, if you married his daughter, maybe her dad's money might help you and her to keep goin'? To put it even plainer: had you planned some on her bein' a rich girl?" Fosdick looked annoyed. "Oh, I say, Snow!" he cried. "That's too strong, altogether." "Not a mite. It's what you've had in the back of your head all along.

He's been keepin' books down at the fish wharf see? Now, he'd like that job and, bein' as you and George are so thick, I cal'lated maybe you'd sort of use your influence along of George, and and get it for him. There ain't nothin' in it for me that is, nothin' much. But I feel friendly toward Josiah and you know I like to do little kindnesses for folks. So " "There! there!" I interrupted.

"It's so cal'lated to be," replied Gabe, with dignity. "Hum! Does he work nights?" "Work nights? No, course he don't!" "Oh, all right! Then you can wake him up with a clear conscience. I didn't know but he needed the sleep. What's his record?" "Record?" "Yup; his trottin' record. Anybody can see he's built for speed, narrow in the beam and sharp fore and aft. Shall I get aboard the barouche?"

"'You can't, I told him. 'One time, when Peter T. Brown was away, me and Cap'n Jonadab cal'lated that a poetry advertisement would be a good idee and we managed to shake out ten lines or so. It begun: "When you're feelin' tired and pale To the Old Home House you ought to come without fail."

He explained his loneliness one evening by observing that he cal'lated he missed the painting chaps. "What painting chaps?" asked Brown. "Oh, them two young fellers that always used to come to the cottage what you call the bungalow across the cove there, the ones I told you about. They was real friendly, sociable young chaps, and I kind of liked to have 'em runnin' in and out.

'A first cabin companion like that's no place for me, I says. Ho! ho! Besides, I cal'lated to find Zuby Jane out in the fo'castle here. Didn't expect to locate you, though, in this end of the ship. How's it seem to be rich? Ain't got fat on it, have you." Daniel, amused in spite of his recent ill temper, shook his head. "Not yet," he answered.

Snow uttered a faint scream. "Oh, Albert!" she exclaimed. She might have said more, but a shout from her husband prevented her doing so. Captain Zelotes had risen and his mighty hand descended with a stinging slap upon his grandson's shoulder. "Bully for you, boy!" he cried. Then, turning to Olive, he added, "Mother, I've always kind of cal'lated that you had one man around this house.

I'll give in right off that I'm the worst prophet since the feller that h'isted the 'Fair and Dry' signal the day afore Noah's flood begun. You see," he explained, turning to Albert, "your grandma figgered out that you'd probably clear about half a million on that book of poetry, Al. I cal'lated 'twan't likely to be much more'n a couple of hundred thousand, so " "Why, Zelotes Snow! You said "