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The sole expression of disrespect for Louis XVI. which I have found is given in Beugnot, i. 116. This, according to Beugnot, was in a rural cahier and he seems to quote from memory. The royal power was to be exercised through responsible ministers, but we must not be misled by words.

All this, half joke, half earnestly, must have been very agreeable to the guests." Let us try to describe the last musical party at which we assisted. A scramble amid piles of unbound music; the right cahier found, snatched up, and opened at the well-thumbed solo with which she has already contended for many a long hour, and now hopes to execute for our applause.

'Une plume pour écrire l'Histoire de la France! 'Un cahier pour la même! And the intending historian of France, even with his imported pen and paper-book, and also three shirts and some pairs of socks, was allowed to go to his dinner, with his magasin in his hand, and start by the first conveyance; while his less fortunate fellow-travellers had to dine in absence of their luggage, and perhaps give the town that had the honour of being their landing-place, the profit of their company for the night.

Sometimes the lay orders would go farther in toleration. One cahier of the nobility proposes a military cross for distinguished Protestant officers, another that non-Catholics may be electors, but not elected, to the Estates General. The inhabitants of some of the central provinces would restore the property of exiles for religion's sake to their families.

The strength of an athlete, the lightness of a bird, capriciousness, charm, and a perfect understanding of style in general and of the style of this composer in particular are the qualifications needed to perform this work. It is far too difficult for most virtuosi, however talented they may be. Among the women singers I shall only mention Madame Cahier from the Viennese Opera.

"Quel ennui d'ecrire quelquechose que l'on ne comprend pas!" Some of those behind laughed: a degree of confusion began to pervade the class; it was necessary to take prompt measures. "Donnez-moi votre cahier," said I to Eulalie in an abrupt tone; and bending over, I took it before she had time to give it.

The complaints of the Estates of each province were transmitted to the king in council, by a document known as a cahier, and the wishes thus expressed often formed a basis of legislation, or of administrative orders. Among the spasmodic efforts at reform made under Louis XVI. were two attempts to extend the system of local self-government. The first was made by Necker in 1778 and 1779.

Arthur Benson's poems, by the way, came caparisoned in yellow, and with the identical name, Le Cahier Jaune; and no doubt it was largely its title that made the success of The Yellow Aster. In literature, indeed, yellow has long been the colour of romance.

Taking the book from her hand he threw it on the table, and tossed his cigar into the grate, adding in a defiant, challenging tone: "The mantle of Solomon did not fall at Le Cayla on the shoulders of Maurice de Guerin. After all, he was a wretched hypochondriac, and a tinge of le cahier vert doubtless crept into his eyes."

Beside the works mentioned in the above text, Gustave Droz wrote: 'Le Cahier bleu de Mademoiselle Cibot , 'Auteur d'une Source , 'Un Paquet de Lettres' , 'Babolain' , 'Les Etangs' , 'Tristesses et Sourires , and L'Enfant . He died in Paris, October 22, 1895. CAMILLE DOUCET de l'Academie Francaise. The devil take me if I can remember her name, notwithstanding I dearly loved her, the charming girl!