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I am sure that I was more deeply touched by the epitaph of a poor little Puritan maiden who died at sixteen in the early sixteen-thirties than afterwards by the tomb of Caecilia Metella, and that the heartache which I tried to put into verse when I got back to my room in the hotel was none the less genuine because it would not lend itself to my literary purpose, and remains nothing but pathos to this day.

With the cry life went out, and the pure spirit of the lady Caecilia had returned unto God who gave it. "Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings thou hast ordained praise." It was a large room in a building not far from the imperial palace. The pavement was of polished marble, and columns of porphyry supported a paneled dome.

A deeper melancholy than usual rested upon them. Around them was the sound of footsteps and of voices and a confused murmur of life. Suddenly a quick step was heard, and Marcellus entered. The occupants of the chapel sprang up with cries of joy. "Where is Pollio?" cried Caecilia eagerly. "I have not seen him," said Marcellus. "Not seen him! said Caecilia, and she fell back upon her seat. "Why?

And what a vision it was to picture all the tremendous tombs on the right and left of the glorious pavement which the legions trod on their return from the conquest of the world! That tomb of Caecilia Metella, with its bond-stones so huge, its walls so thick that the middle ages transformed it into the battlemented keep of a fortress!

At his return to Rome, he was chosen Consul with Quintus Pompeius, in the fiftieth year of his age, and made a most distinguished marriage with Caecilia, daughter of Metellus, the chief priest.

"How long you were, my son!" "I encountered this officer, dear mother, and was detained." "Thank God you are safe. But who is he?" "I think he is an honest man," said the boy, "see how he confides in us." "Caecilia," said the leader, "do not go away for a little time." The lady remained, and a few others did the same.

"Nay, none of these will I wear, but my gown of good wool, and in my bundle are changes of linen, for I want no lace on my limbs. Send me fresh flowers for my hair, I entreat you, and I will bathe and so prepare myself for the court dinner." Dame Caecilia stared at her, and moved the golden combs and mirrors about angrily on the dressing-table. "You will lose me my place at court," she cried.

At last he reached the Tiber, and leaping in, he swam to the opposite side. The pursuers reached the river's brink, but followed no further. "The trial of your faith worketh patience." Honorius was seated in the chapel with one or two others, among whom was the lady Caecilia. The feeble rays of a single lamp but faintly illuminated the scene. They were silent and sad.

At length, when his pious labours in the service of God had been fulfilled with many trials, the good Lord of His great kindness favoured Wermbold with a most sweet consolation in a vision that was revealed to him. His body was taken for reverent burial to the choir of the Church of St. Caecilia, and the last words he spake as life departed were: "For Thou Lord only hast set me in hope."

And what a vision it was to picture all the tremendous tombs on the right and left of the glorious pavement which the legions trod on their return from the conquest of the world! That tomb of Caecilia Metella, with its bond-stones so huge, its walls so thick that the middle ages transformed it into the battlemented keep of a fortress!