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She sits down on the arm of the chair in which I am asleep, with her soft hand stroking my hair, and I hear her beloved, well-known voice say in my ear: "Get up, my darling. It is time to go by-by." No envious gaze sees her now. She is not afraid to shed upon me the whole of her tenderness and love. I do not wake up, yet I kiss and kiss her hand. "Get up, then, my angel."

"By-by, dearie," he smiled, as the train-bell signaled the approaching departure. "You and I will get out of this shortly. Don't grieve. I'll be back in two or three weeks, or I'll send for you. I'd take you now, only I don't know how that country is out there. We'll fix on some place, and then you watch me settle this fortune question. We'll not live under a cloud always.

On an impulse he gave her a soft nudge with his shoulder and waved his head suggestively toward the hall, making it clear that he desired her to leave her partner and accompany him. "By-by, Rus," she called to her partner. "This old camel's got me. Where we going, Prince of Beasts?"

He ran to the side, waving his hat and looking over. "Goo'-by, ole Bill, by-by. There you go, an' the signal o' distress roun' you, H. B. 'I'm in need of assistance. Lord, here comes the sharks look! look! look at um fight! look at um takin' ole Bill! I'm in need of assistance. I sh'd say you were, ole Bill."

Well, you ask me what I should do in your place. I'd go." "I shall. It will double discount fishing. And the more I think of it, the more certain I become that she and I have met somewhere. By-by!" Cathewe lingered in the reading-room, pondering. Here was a twist to the wager he was rather unprepared for; and if the truth must be told, he was far more perplexed than Fitzgerald.

It didn't seem possible that one could become so attached to a child of ten years in it wasn't yet ten days that one not only hated to leave her, but even felt remiss, almost conscience-stricken, in so doing. "Won't you come to see us, mother and me and the baby you'll just love him, Miss Moss, he can pat-a-cake and by-by and almost talk and lots else, too.

Come, child, time to go to by-by. And as I still resisted, 'Champdivers! he said, 'this is weakness. You pain me. 'Ay, off to your beds with you! said Goguelat, and named us in a company with one of his jovial gross epithets. Accordingly the squad lay down in the dark and simulated, what they certainly were far from experiencing, sleep. It was not yet late.

Says you are her one dependable in Orham, or something like that." Jed's face turned a bright red. "Oh, sho, sho!" he protested, "she mustn't talk that way. I haven't done anything." "She says you have. Well, by-by." He went away. It was some time before Jed resumed his chisel- sharpening.

"I'll go at once," crushing his cigarette in the Jeypore bowl. "What's your hurry? You look like a man who has just lost his job." "Been steering a German countess. She was wound up to turn only one way, and I am groggy. I'll send the colonel over. By-by." "Now, what's stung the boy?" Nora was enjoying herself famously. The men hummed around her like bees around the sweetest rose.

Yes, she understood. "I'll try," she said. "I'll be up about eight then. By-by." Rilla hung up the 'phone and flew to Jims. But she did not wring that injured infant's neck. Instead she snatched him bodily out of his chair, crushed him against her face, kissed him rapturously on his milky mouth, and danced wildly around the room with him in her arms.