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"Yes, give Barney a show," said Wooster. Something had been happening to the cook. The tenseness had gone from his usually wiry little body; his eyes were milder; a curve was softening his mouth. Kneeling before the child, he held forth his arms. "Baby want to go by-by?" he said, and tenderly lifting the little man, he bore him away, while the men looked on in silence.

Whatever happens we must take care of her. And, Fanny, have you observed how handsome she is?" "We think her very pretty." "She is more than pretty when she has a little fire in her eyes. She is downright handsome, or will be when she fills out a little. I tell you what, my dear; she'll make havoc with somebody yet; you see if she doesn't. By-by.

Haughton waves hand in the direction of the dollar. By-by, step- momma. By the shade of Lincoln, how Melty claps her hands in glee on seeing her wages in gold; she hastily pockets; one or two pieces roll to the floor.

He did it so natural that I swallowed th' bull, horns an' hoofs. I've had every pawnshop in New York looked over, but they ain't there. I've been busy on the maharajah's emeralds. There's a case. Cleverest ever. Some drug, atomized through a keyhole, which puts y' t' by-by." "A drug?

Thee can make thyself at home." "You're right I can," assented the newcomer with emphasis; "I see you've caught on to my disposition. Isaac and Esther will find me as domestic as a lame cat. Be it ever so homely there's no place like hum. By-by, uncle; see you later." He went up the street, walking as jauntily as his burden would permit, and Enoch looked after with a lean, whimsical smile.

Remember that this is a vale of tears, and don't set your affections on things below. By-by!" Talbot went down stairs, drawing on his gloves, and laughing. Then he went out into the warm light, buttoned up his coat instinctively, as if to hide the plot he carried, jumped into his coupé, and went to his business. Mr. Belcher dressed himself with more than his usual care, went to Mrs.

"I'm sure I shan't," Sanchia said, and then they shook hands. Bill Chevenix, who had been present, waved himself away from the doorstep. "By-by, my dear," he said. "You've done bravely by me. Isn't she splendid?" "I like her," said Mrs. John. "But she's rather unapproachable." Bill chuckled. "That's her little way. She don't kiss easily." Mrs. John said that he ought to know.

Good-night! Toddle along, bo; there's nothing coming from me. Nix." "Would ten dollars make you talk?" asked the reporter, desperately. "Ye-ah about the Kaiser and his wood-sawing. By-by!" The operator, secretly enjoying the reporter's discomfiture, shut off the lights, slammed the elevator door to the latch, and walked to the revolving doors, to the tune of Garry Owen.

"We'll have our coffee on the road, at a little inn-table out of doors in the sunrise." "Fine! By-by. See you again in about twenty minutes." Every fiber composing Aurora twittered with a distinct and separate glee while she hurried through her toilet, a little breathless, a little distracted, and mortally afraid Estelle would hear and come to ask questions.

Now these two disorders have not been much developed yet by the masses, in spite of the school-boards: ergo, any apparition which leads to hysterics or brandy-and-water in the servants' hall is a bogie, not a ghost." He knocked the ashes out of his pipe, and added: "And now, Lindy, as we don't want another ghost haunting the house. I will conduct you to by-by."