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"Git into that nice li'l cot an' go by-by," said the new papa genially. Freddy had not seen the cot before. It had been moved in during his absence at the theatre, and stood white, narrow, and lonely, partly concealed by a screen. "I I always slep' with Florette," faltered Freddy. This seemed to amuse the new papa. But Florette flushed and looked annoyed.

They're yesterday's, and last week's and last month's. We've been collecting them specially and keeping them nice and new-looking." "Well, you're a caution!" murmured Swetnam. "I am," Denry agreed. A number of men rushed at that instant with bundles of the genuine football edition from the offices of the Daily. "Come on!" Denry cried to them. "Come on! This way! By-by, Swetnam."

'She came? 'Yes, she came, and made it so nice, and hushed me. I wasn't afraid to go to by-by when she came. And she sang. Sister, can't you sing like that?

You see I am very comfortably settled in my big by-by and I do not want to have any ink-stains. The fire sparkles on the hearth, the street is silent; let us forget that George will not return till midnight, and turn back to the past. I can not recall the first month of that dear past without laughing and weeping at one and the same time. How foolish we were! How sweet it was!

This was the position when Blackey declared that he must go. "Got to shunt, old man? You squat still, now, and git through that there lotion. I got to go to market, and we ain't no bloomin' moke. I'm on on my stand ten o'clock no later and that wants doin'. The missus'll fetch me some corrfee, and, hear you, put a nip o' that booze in. It warms yer liver up. By-by.

Then she tipped up her mattress, and taking a novel from under it she threw the book on to my bed, saying: "Margaret Mary will have to be your story-teller now. By-by, girls!" Nobody laughed. For the first time Alma's humour had failed her, and when we went downstairs to the Meeting Room it was with sedate and quiet steps.

"And when I would tease him to tell me some secret, he would answer, in his own well-chosen language. Some day you will know: you wait and see. By-by, baby!" and away she dashed. My tongue went too fast last night. Her heart is waking; her wings are sprouting. She must be getting interested in Jim.

The changes were completed, or rather his were, and he stood looking as much like me as could be imagined. "Don't stir from this room till I come back," he whispered. "You can dress in anything of mine you like. I'll be in before twelve, or send a messenger if I'm not coming. By-by."

"I have a few affairs to attend to," said Mr. Talbot, rising, "but after twelve o'clock I will be at your service while you remain in the city. We shall have no difficulty in finding a house to suit you, I am sure, and you can get everything done in the matter of furniture at the shortest notice. I will hunt houses with you for a week, if you wish." "Well, by-by, Toll," said Mr.

But Charlton was at the fiercely executive stage of his development, and such a man must act. And so he lingered about until Westcott kissed Katy and Katy kissed Westcott back again, and Westcott cried back from the gate, "Dood night! dood night, 'ittle girl! By-by! He! he! By George!" and passed out rattling the keys and coins in his pocket and singing: "O dear Miss Lucy Neal!" etc.