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The now sadly demoralized enemy scattered in every direction, some running wildly down the road, and others vanishing in the darkness of the wood. "They're gone!" cried Lanky Wallace, in disgust, as he found that the fellow he had embraced was no other than his fat friend, Buster Billings. "Let me go, hang it! You've squeezed the last breath out of me! I'd had that dub, only for your interference.

He jest can't stand a word ag'in' thet Buster Jack." "Columbine Belllounds," mused Wade. "Queer name." "Oh, I've knowed three girls named Columbine. Don't you know the flower? It's common in these parts. Very delicate, like a sago lily, only paler." "Were you livin' in Kremmlin' when Belllounds adopted the girl?" asked Wade. "Laws no!" was the reply. "Thet was long before I come to Middle Park.

"That," said he, "is an emanation an exhalation, you might say that we frequently witness in our atmosphere." "A which?" asked Buster John. "Well," replied Mr. Thimblefinger, clearing his throat, "it's er an emanation." "Huh!" cried Drusilla, "'t ain't no kind er nation. It's des de milk leakin' out'n dat jug. I done tol' Aunt 'Cindy 'bout dat leakin' jug." Mr. Rabbit and Mrs.

And I will suggest that we start for the stone wall right now, for there's no time like the present, you know." Even Buster Bumblebee approved of Mr. Chippy's retort. And with that everybody started pell-mell for the stone wall. DADDY LONGLEGS was taken entirely by surprise. It was rather early in the morning.

I'll teach you to treat your betters with respect! I'll swallow you whole, that's what I'll do. Gr-r-r-r!" "Oh!" cried Chatterer. "Gr-r-r-r! I'll eat you all up to the last hair on your tail!" growled Buster, scrambling a little nearer. "Oh! Oh!" cried Chatterer, and ran out to the very tip of the little branch to which he had been clinging.

Several dozen workers and Buster, too lay limp and water-soaked upon the ground, when Johnnie Green hurried away to the spring to get more water for his father and the hired man, before he went to the mill-pond. But it was not long before the half-drowned Buster and his companions began to stir slightly. Gradually the sun dried their wings and warmed their chilled bodies.

"He must like to work so hard," drawled Buster. "Oh, it's jolly fun!" cried Tiny. "It's jolly fun," echoed her twin Teenty. "Maybe it is," said Mother Graymouse, "but I'd like to chew a hole in those toys that would let out all the noise. With their racket and Squealer's howling, I'm almost crazy. Here, Silver Ears, sit by the cradle and amuse the baby. I must try to find something for our supper.

"But I didn't start out to tell anything about Jimmy Jay-Bird," continued Mr. Thimblefinger, after pausing a moment. "I was thinking about the way a witch was caught by a boy no bigger and not much older than our young friend here." "Tell us about it, please!" cried Buster John enthusiastically. "Well," said Mr. Thimblefinger, "it's not much of a story.

That was good common sense advice, but Little Joe just sniffed and went off declaring that he would get even with Buster Bear yet.

But Buster Bumblebee, being very young and somewhat stupid as well, said "Oh, nonsense!" under his breath, so low that his mother, the Queen, could not hear him. Though Buster's mother, the Queen, did not hear him when he said "Oh, nonsense!" under his breath, there were others standing near him that caught the words. And they were quite indignant that anybody should scoff at the Queen like that.