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Life seemed lustier in Old England than in New England to Emerson, to Hawthorne, and to that admirable observer, Mr. John Burroughs. Perhaps we require another century or two of acclimation. Emerson never grappled with any considerable metrical difficulties.

It was a novel sensation to him, this feeling ill at ease with a woman he who was at ease with everyone and put others at their ease or not as he pleased. "I'm sorry you and Miss Burroughs didn't arrange something. I suppose she found the hours difficult." "She made me an offer," replied the girl. "I refused it." "But, as I told you, we can let you off anything within reason."

Burroughs away? he was so much nicer, and Barnickel should go for Dr. Rooke at once; and Barnickel, who was unpacking the lieutenant's saddle-bags and blanket roll, said he knew the doctor had gone to town and there was no one but the steward about. Mr.

It was clear there was a false reckoning somewhere, and that instead of rounding the head of the blockading line we were passing through the very centre of it. However, Burroughs was now of opinion that we must be inside the squadron, and advocated making the land. So 'slow ahead' we went again, until the low-lying coast and the surf-line became dimly visible.

Burroughs, apparently disconcerted by the intrusion of a third party Leonidas upon what was evidently a private inquiry, murmured something surlily, and passed out. Leonidas was puzzled. That big man seemed to be "snoopin'" around for something!

Burroughs was carried in a cart, with the others, through the streets of Salem to execution. The accusers said the black man stood and dictated to him. As soon as he was turned off, Mr.

George Burroughs, an humble, laborious, devoted Minister of the Gospel; John Proctor, the owner of valuable farms and head of a large family; John Willard, a young married man of most respectable connections; George Jacobs, an early settler, land-holder, and a grandfather, of great age, with flowing white locks, sustained, as he walked, by two staffs or crutches; and Martha Carrier, the wife of a farmer in Andover, with a family of children, some of them quite young "entreated Mr.

I think of the Burroughs branch of my ancestry as rather retiring, peace-loving, solitude-loving men men not strongly sketched in on the canvas of life, not self-assertive, never roistering or uproarious law-abiding, and church-going. I gather this impression from many sources, and think it is a correct one.

Where the man's own conduct gives color to the report, the attack is usually mortal. And Norman had acted the crazy man. The second reason was the hostility of Burroughs, reinforced by all the hatreds and jealousies Norman's not too respectful way of dealing with his fellow men had been creating through fifteen years.

Hall is a secretive man, and unless we have a definite charge against him it is difficult to make him talk." "Well, you can certainly learn something," said Mr. Goodrich. "At any rate devote a few days to the effort. I have confidence in you, Mr. Burroughs, and I don't think you need call in a man whom you consider your superior.