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B. vitelline Bile non naturelle B. praline. B. aerugineuse. B. brulee, 3 especes. Sang naturel. non naturel, 5 especes. Melancolie naturelle. non naturelle, 5 especes. =============================================================== His "Surgery" was one of the most important text-books of the late Middle Ages.

It was also, though not quite summer yet, unusually hot weather, and the season had been exceptionally dry, and they had contented themselves for a week with the little muddy fluid they scraped up here and there from oozy pools that were lined with pine needles and rotting leaves, when they came to a big brûlée.

"Baby is four weeks old," Molly was declaring, "and here is Father Bonot from service at Cannes Brulée and so with his vestments. I'm here and Harriet's here, and mamma's here, and everybody else is a cousin or something. I'm sure I don't know when I can get to church. P'tite shall be baptized here, now."

The cry was sudden and intensely startling, appearing twice as loud as it really was when it broke the pathetic stillness of the brûlée, where not a tree rustled or twig snapped, and the night wind only sighed faintly and fitfully through the newly springing growth. Again sounded that startling screech; and yet again, making a dreary, piercing din.

Though marriage almost inevitably terminates in a "brulée," the wife should spare no efforts to ameliorate her husband's faults.

Some would burn for long and the ashes and hot stones would not cool soon, while the rampikes that stood above the ruin would come down when a strong gust shook them. A brulée is dangerous when the wind blows, and sometimes in a calm. For the next few days the fire raged below the camp, and when Jim ventured down hill he was driven back by heat and smoke.

A crash, and the mighty timbers of the Porte Brûlée yield in the centre. Aided by the strong and exceedingly soiled hands of her new friends, our elegant Mademoiselle is lifted, pulled, pushed, and tugged between the vast iron bars which fortify the gate; and in this fashion, torn, splashed, and dishevelled generally, she makes entrance into her city.

"True enough, Joe! Nature is a grand one for remedies," answered the doctor. "Still, it will be half a century or more before she can raise a timber growth here again. Hulloa! Dol, what are you fellows up to?" While his elders were studying the brûlée, Dol, who objected to dreary sights, had marched down to the brink of the stream, accompanied by Royal's young brothers, Will and Martin Sinclair.

Even now I see her as she used to step out on the veranda, the lithe Indian girl, rivalling the choicest "desert- flower" of Arabia in the rich darkness of her eyes and hair, and in the warm mantling of her golden-ripe complexion, unutterably graceful in the thorough-bred ease of her elastic movements, Zosime MacGillivray, perfect type and model of the style and beauty of the brulée.

Victor over a thousand hearts, the Haywoodian male ranges through his glittering sphere, ever ready to fall in or out of love as the occasion demands. D'Elmont of "Love in Excess" possesses a soul large enough to contain both love and fury at almost the same moment. A "brulée" with his spouse merely increases his tenderness for his ward.