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It is a quiet, pretty little town something like Cannes. As usual, there were a legion of hotel omnibuses, with their liveried porters, the name of the hotel they belonged to on their cap, and each accurately measuring the length of your purse. Fortunate the traveller who has already determined on the hotel he intends to patronize! We had selected the Hotel des Isles Britanniques.

Among biographies: Mahan's and Laughton's lives of Nelson, Anson's LIFE OF JERVIS , Clark Russell's LIFE OF COLLINGWOOD , and briefer sketches in FROM HOWARD TO NELSON, ed. Laughton . Desbrière's PROJETS ET TENTATIVES DE DéBARQUEMENT AUX ILES BRITANNIQUES and CAMPAGNE MARITIME DE TRAFALGAR . See also Col.

The beauty-spot and plague-spot of the Riviera Arrival at Mentone Hotel des Isles Britanniques English church Her Majesty's Villa Gardens of Dr. Bennett Custom-house Remarks on Mentone A charming walk A word about Brigands An adventure In the cemetery A labour of love A frog concert Excursion to Monte Carlo Lovely coast scenery Castle of Monaco The sombre Olive The exodus of the Caterpillars.

All the great people of London, and most of the little, have been kept in a fever of agitation during the last fortnight, by the preparatives for the grand club ball in honour of the peace. Texier had the direction of the fête, and he exhibited his taste to the astonishment of les sauvages Britanniques. Never were seen such decorations, such chaplets, such chandeliers, such bowers of roses.

"J'ai l'honneur d'être avec l'assurance de ma plus haute considération. "Commandant en chef de la 5me Armée Ottomane. "Commandant en chef des Forces Britanniques, Sir John Hamilton, Excellence." 23rd May, 1915. H.M.T. "Arcadian." Blazing hot. Wrote all day. Had an hour and a half's talk with de Robeck high politics as well as our own rather anxious affairs.

The Seventh Division, which was more advanced, were, however, too late for this movement, and before they could effect their formation, the French were upon them. At this moment they owed their safety to the Chasseurs Britanniques, who poured in a flanking fire, so close, and with so deadly an aim, that their foes recoiled, beaten and bewildered.