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He was made acquainted with my history; they boasted to him particularly of my great possessions at Senegal, in powder, guns, &c. The sheriff immediately called me, and inquired what was my situation at the island of St Louis. I answered his inquiries. He observed me a little more attentively, and then cried out, Are you Brisson? Alas! Yes, I am the same. He was immediately surprised.

Followed by a great train of adherents he had gone down to the House of Parliament, and was about to seat himself under the dais reserved for the king, when Brisson, first President of Parliament, plucked him back by the arm, and caused him to take a seat immediately below his own. Deeply was the bold president to expiate this defence of king and law against the Holy League.

At the last gathering Brisson attended he received news of such immediate and fateful import that on emerging from the cellar where the gathering was held, he made directly for my residence instead of going to his own squalid room in the Rue Falgarie.

"Only that there must be no variation in the confessions, or I withdraw my promise; they must be complete." "Yes, sire; with the names of the compromised parties." "With all the names." "Even if they are of high rank?" "If they were those of my nearest relations." "It shall be as your majesty wishes." "No misunderstanding, M. Brisson.

The charms of youth are the unique equipage of love; A coat made by Brisson, a pair of gloves bought from Boivin, elegant shoes, for whose payment the dealer trembles, a well-tied cravat are sufficient to make a man king of the drawing-room; And soldiers although the passion for gold lace and aiguillettes has died away do not soldiers form of themselves a redoubtable legion of celibates?

"As between the Notary repulsive, as Monsieur justly terms him and the charming Major, her instincts rightly have directed her. To her worthy cat, who aided in her choosing, she has reason to be grateful. Now her cruelly wounded heart will find solace. That she should wed again, and happily, was Heaven's will." "It was the will of the baggage herself!" declared Monsieur Brisson with bitterness.

BRENT GOOSE. Bernicla brenta, Brisson. French, "Oie cravant," "Bernache cravant." The Brent Goose is a regular winter visitant to all the Islands, varying, however, in numbers in different years: sometimes it is very numerous, and affords good sport during the winter to the fishermen, who generally take a gun in the boat with them as soon as the close season is over, sometimes before.

The advantage presented by this terrible blow is that the victim sinks instantly in a heap at the feet of his slayer, without uttering a moan. The wound left is a scarcely perceptible blue mark which rarely even bleeds. It was this mark I saw on the body of the Maire of Marseilles, and afterwards on one other in Paris besides poor Brisson.

Louis Blanc called in company with three Representatives, Brisson, Floquet and Cournet. They came to consult me as to what ought to be done about the resignation question. Rochefort and Pyat, with three others, are resigning. I am in favour of resigning. Louis Blanc resists. The remainder of the Left do not appear to favour resignation en masse. Session.

M. Chenier was Charge des Affaires from the King of France to the Emperor of Morocco. The two first volumes are historical; in the third volume there is much valuable information on the physical, moral, intellectual, commercial, and political state of this kingdom. Histoire du Naufrage, et de la Captivité de M. de Brisson. Paris, 1789. 8vo.