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Thus the royal and noble castles of the Middle Age become with the Renaissance here as everywhere something of palaces, while with the industrial revolution they have become replaced by factories or transformed into breweries.

All of these breweries except one pleaded guilty to the charges against them and paid penalties aggregating $276,000, also expenses incurred by the Attorney General's office, totaling about $10,000, and the court costs, and they accepted an injunction restraining them from violating the state anti-trust laws and contributing to political campaigns in the future.

On the other hand, if the saloons and other public drinking places were ousted but the breweries permitted to operate, drunkenness, crime and vice would invade the home. If the people are determined to remove the objectionable elements inseparable from the beer traffic, they must close the breweries.

But besides these natural advantages for boys, there were artificial opportunities which the boys treated as if they had been made for them; grist-mills on the river and canal, cotton-factories and saw-mills on the Hydraulic, iron-founderies by the Commons, breweries on the river-bank, and not too many school-houses.

The former consists largely of workmen's model dwellings, comfortable and convenient within, but with the peculiarly depressing exteriors of the utilitarian style. Further north these give way to warehouses, breweries, and manufactories. East of its southern end in Holborn were two old inns, the Old Bell and Black Bull.

We have to do, therefore, not with the very poor at all, but with the respectable poor the families of skilled mechanics, employés in regular work, workmen in breweries, ship-yards, and factories independent handicraftsmen, clerks, cashiers, accountants, writers, small shopkeepers, and all that great host which is perpetually occupied in increasing the wealth of the country by labour which, at least, permits them to live in comfort.

And then under the new Blackfriars Bridge to Southwark, dingy with its docks and breweries and huddled houses, but forever famous, the Southwark of Shakespeare and Jonson and Beaumont and Fletcher. And the shelf upon which they stood in the library at Carvel Hall was before my eyes. "Yes," said Dolly; "and I recall your mother's name written in faded ink upon the fly-leaves."

For instance, in rural Switzerland, cold as is the winter climate, the whole supply of wood for domestic fires, dairies, breweries, distilleries, brick and lime kilns, fences, furniture, tools, and even house-building and small smitheries, exclusive of the small quantity derived from the trimmings of fruit-trees, grape-vines, and hedges, and from decayed fences and buildings, does not exceed TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY CUBIC FEET, or less than two cords a year, per household.

I went to sleep about four o'clock, still oppressed by the dread of meeting a new baby. My contact with the one hundred and sixty-nine sight-seers was brief but exceedingly convincing. They invaded the castle before I was out of bed, having as I afterwards heard the breweries, an art gallery and the Zoological gardens to visit before noon and therefore were required to make an early start.

Sometimes only by inquiry, or by the humming of the machinery, can you distinguish a factory from an old yashiki, or an old-fashioned Japanese school building, unless indeed you can read the Chinese characters over the garden gate. Some big brick factories and breweries exist; but they are very few, and even when close to the foreign settlements they seem incongruities in the landscape.