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But on the same authorities exactly we have opposite maxims, inspired by a feeling that mortal prudence is fallible, that life is shorter than policy, and that only the present is real; for we hear, A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, Carpe diem, Ars longa, vita brevis.

Ira furor brevis est: animum rege; qui, nisi paret, Imperat: hunc fraenis, hunc tu compesce catena. Epist. I. ii. Anger's a fitful madness: rein thy mind, Subdue the tyrant, and in fetters bind, Or be thyself the slave. The next treatise is on Consolation, addressed to his mother, Helvia, and was written during his exile.

Let the penalty for infringement in the one case be to read the last President's Message, and in the other to look at the Webster statue one hour a day, for a term not so long as to violate the spirit of the law forbidding cruel and unusual punishments. Perhaps it is too much to expect of our legislators that they should pass so self-denying an ordinance. Vita brevis, lingua longa.

Paul's School and Milton's teacher, published his "Logonomia Anglica" in 1621, a book which throws more light on the contemporary pronunciation of English than any other we know of. He makes three forms of u: the tenuis, as in use, the crassa brevis, as in us, and the longa, as in ooze.

Martial has a pretty Epigram on this Subject: Crine ruber, niger ore, brevis pede, lumine loesus: Rem magnam proestas, Zoile, si bonus es. Thy Beard and Head are of a diff'rent Dye; Short of one Foot, distorted in an Eye: With all these Tokens of a Knave compleat, Should'st thou be honest, thou'rt a dev'lish Cheat.

But Ferias in Advent, and in Lent, in Passiontide, Paschal time and September Ember days have proper antiphons. Feasts have antiphons from proper or from common. Etymology, meaning and synonyms. It is found in every Hour, except Matins. It is known by other names, the summarium, collectio, collatio, lectio brevis, epistoletto, lectiuncula, Versiculus brevis. Antiquity.

In the south-east Australian province the principal Gasteropoda procured were Bulla brevis, at Port Jackson, in 6 fathoms; Cyprea oryza, at Port Phillip, in 5 fathoms; Calyptraea connata, in 6 fathoms, Port Jackson, with Nassa suturalis, and another, a new Terebra, Monotigma casta, Mitra sordida, a Marginella, a Columbella, and Struthiolaria oblita.

In imitating this conciseness, he is the happiest instance of a writer illustrating the Horatian adage of "striving to be brief, and becoming obscure": "Brevis esse laboro, Obscurus fio."

O tell me, ye of the fine nerve, what is more vexing than to be startled from your nest by the creaking slam of the steps, the bleak winter gales galloping along your face, and a whole bundle of human beings pushing themselves into your retreat! There is no rose without its thorn, as myriads have said before me: "O beate Sexti, Vitae summa brevis SPEM nos vetat inchoare LONGAM!"

Ira furor brevis est, &c. To return to my history, which, having rested itself a little, is now ready to proceed on its journey: Fireblood was the person chosen by Wild for this service. He had, on a late occasion, experienced the talents of this youth for a good round perjury.