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When he was invited to meet the relatives of Buckland Warricombe, shyness prepossessed him against them; but the frank kindness of his reception moved him, and on going away he was ashamed to have replied so boorishly to attentions so amiably meant. The same note of character sounded in what personal intercourse he had with the Professors.

Everything had an empty air, and everyone whom I met looked careworn and preoccupied, and no wonder, for who would choose to walk abroad at such an early hour, and in such weather? Next a band of ragged workmen met me, and jostled me boorishly as they passed; upon which nervousness overtook me, and I felt uneasy, and tried hard not to think of the money that was my errand.

In the midst of which I awoke to better recollections, made a lame word of excuse, and set myself boorishly to my studies. It was a substantial, instructive book that I had bought, by the late Dr. Heineccius, in which I was to do a great deal of reading these next days, and often very glad that I had no one to question me of what I read. Methought she bit her lip at me a little, and that cut me.

He is marvelously clumsy. I have often earnestly requested him to eat his sword rather than handle it so boorishly. Yet he kills his men, too, but in a butcher-like manner totally without grace or refinement. I should say he was about on a par with our two associates, Ferrari's seconds." I roused myself from a reverie into which I had fallen. "What men are they?" I inquired.

Not that he was ever vulgar, for vulgarity implies affectation of refinement; but he talked loud and laughed loud if the whim seized him, and rubbed his great hands with a boyish heartiness of glee if he discomfited an adversary in argument. Or, sometimes, he would sit abstracted and moody, and answer briefly and boorishly those who interrupted him.

"You are worse," he replied boorishly; "you're a Fletcher." "Well, you're a savage," she retorted, angered in her turn. "Is it simply because I happen to be a Fletcher that you become a bear?" "Because you happen to be a Fletcher," he repeated, and then looked calmly and coolly at her dainty elegance.

He forgave her, unasked, the humiliation she had put on him. He felt an impulse to go up to her now that she had stopped dancing and congratulate her honestly, instead of boorishly as he had done at the match, and to say, unreservedly, that she was the better shot indeed, one of the best he had ever seen. But while he thought all of this he did not stir a step.

You get here what you do not get in the city well-paved or asphalted roads, planted with trees, and trim side-walks, studded with houses of individuality, not boorishly fenced off from each other, but standing each on its plot of well-kept turf running down to the pavement. It is always Sunday in these streets of a morning.

You are all of you dangerous, if a woman is not strictly on her guard. But you will respect your champion, will you not? Harry was about to reply with wonderful briskness. He stopped, and murmured boorishly that he was sure he was very much obliged. Command of countenance the Countess possessed in common with her sex. Those faces on which we make them depend entirely, women can entirely control.

Yet Jim understood that he could not long prevent the encounter of his wife and her relatives with his mother and her relatives. He could not be so boorishly insolent as to forbid the meeting, and he could not be so blind as to expect success. Mrs. Thropp could not imagine why a rich woman should be busy, but she held her whist.