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Elated with success and piqued by the growing interest of the problem, they have left no bookstall unsearched, no chest in a garret unopened, no file of old yellow accounts to decompose in damp and worms, so keen was the hope to discover whether the boy Shakspeare poached or not, whether he held horses at the theatre door, whether he kept school, and why he left in his will only his second-best bed to Anne Hathaway, his wife.

I carried them, one after another, to a bookstall in the City Road one part of which, near our house, was almost all bookstalls and bird shops then and sold them for whatever they would bring. The keeper of this bookstall, who lived in a little house behind it, used to get tipsy every night, and to be violently scolded by his wife every morning.

Luttrell walked across London, dwelling upon the qualities of individual men in the company which was his command how this man was quick, and that man stupid, and that other inclined to swank, and a fourth had a gift for reading maps, and a fifth would make a real marksman; and so he woke up to find himself before the bookstall in the station at Waterloo.

But here, all unchanged, the stump of her fan is; and once more I turn it over and over in my hand, not learning its secret no, nor even trying to, now. It would seem that I am one of those travellers for whom the railway bookstall does not cater.

So we still lingered and peeped, and presently Dante sighed and went over to where the bookstall stood and began turning over some of the parchments that lay on the board. As he did so the bookseller popped his head out at him from the booth, as a tortoise from his shell, and I never beheld tortoise yet so crisp and withered as this human. Messer Cecco Bartolo was his name.

"Captain Hogan, I have heard, found great difficulty in obtaining 'the twelve good rules, but at length purchased them at some London bookstall to adorn the whitewashed parlor of 'The Three Jolly Pigeons. However laudable this may be, nothing shook my faith in the reality of Auburn so much as this exactness, which had the disagreeable air of being got up for the occasion.

Maldon was already recovering her reputation as a woman whose death was an irreparable loss to the town. As Rachel passed the negligible second-hand bookstall again, it was made visible to her by the fact that Councillor Thomas Batchgrew was just emerging from the shop behind it, with a large volume in his black-gloved hands.

"It's th' new peeper," drawled the bookstall lad, with a most foolish condescension towards the new paper. "Lout!" she addressed him in her heart. "If you knew whom you were talking to !" With what pride, masked by careful indifference, she would hand the copy of the Chronicle to her mother!

For, one day while the war was still new, I chanced in rooting in an old bookstall in Paris, to find a book which was written by an officer of the Twentieth Corps, in 1911. The officer was, if I mistake not, of the artillery, and he wrote this "forecast" to entertain the members of his mess or battery.

I am perfectly certain he had something else in his pocket besides a badge. And I am perfectly certain that under certain circumstances he would have handled it instantly, and shot me dead between the gay bookstall and the crowded trams.