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I now advised boat-racing, which was duly ordered, and afforded much amusement as the whole fifty boats formed in line, and paddle furiously to the beat of drum to the goal which I indicated. The day was done.

Not dependent on external conditions like boat-racing, or on improved apparatus like bicycling, we have interesting data of a very different order for physical measurements. These down to present writing July, 1906 are as follows: For the 100-yard dash, every annual record from 1876 to 1895 is 10 or 11 seconds, or between these, save in 1890, where Owen's record of 9-4/5 seconds still stands.

Rolfe's letter, and there was more in it than she had thought; but his going off from her husband to boat-racing seemed trivial, and she could not make up her mind to go to London to consult a novelist on such a serious matter. At nine she sent to say she should go, but could not think of dragging him there: she should take her maid.

F. was an ornament, and encountered a long series of stories about boat-racing, bumping, College grass-plats, and milk-punch and began to wish to go up himself to College to a place where there were such manly pleasures and enjoyments.

But all you see here we won at battle practice just before the war, boat-racing and so on.... Incidentally we hope to win the Squadron Regatta this year. That big one over there was from the passengers of a burning ship we rescued.... If we're sunk they may as well go down with us; at least, that's how we look at it. It is only in keeping with our motto, after all."

Sport as a pursuit was unknown. Boat-racing came after 1850. For horse-racing, only the trotting-course existed. Of all pleasures, winter sleighing was still the gayest and most popular. From none of these amusements could the boy learn anything likely to be of use to him in the world. On the whole he learned most then.

And yet, after a few moments, I ceased to wonder either at the Cambridge passion for boat-racing, or at the excitement of the spectators. "Honi soit qui mal y pense."

Taffy had been deep in the Fifth Aeneid for some weeks, and boat-racing ran much in his mind. "Who is Oxford?" he asked. Mr. Raymond took off his spectacles and wiped them. It came on him suddenly that this child, whom he loved, was shut out from many of his dearest thoughts. "Oxford is a city," he answered; and added, "the most beautiful city in the world." "Shall I ever go there?" Taffy asked.

You want your newspapers filled with prize-fighting and boat-racing, and the last gossip from 'the Corner. You'll find Miss Dunbar in the blue drawing-room. Speak to her as soon as you please; and let me know the result of the interview." It is not often that the heiress of a million or thereabouts is quite so readily disposed of.

Well now, can't you give yourself half an hour's relaxation, Mrs. Fawley, and come along with us? 'Twould do you good." "I should like to go," said she. "I've never seen the boat-racing, and I hear it is good fun." "Come along!" "How I WISH I could!" She looked longingly down the street. "Wait a minute, then. I'll just run up and see how he is now.