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Coleridge has left on record the statement that she was the only woman he ever met who had a "logical mind" that is to say, the only woman who ever understood him when he talked his best. Coleridge made progress at the Blue-Coat School: he became "Deputy Grecian," or head scholar. This secured him a scholarship at Cambridge, and thither he went in search of honors.

A few instances of it are here recapitulated. 1st. The Rev. Mr. Catcott once noticed to Chatterton the inclined position of Temple church, in the city of Bristol. A few days after, the blue-coat boy brought him an old poem, transcribed, as he declared, from Rowley, who had noticed the same peculiarity in his day, and had moreover written a few stanzas on the very subject. 2ndly.

At Temple Bar poor, old Temple Bar, now a thing of the past! the Queen was met by the Lord Mayor, who handed her the city keys and sword, which she returned to his keeping a little further on, the scholars of Christ's Hospital the "Blue-Coat Boys," offered her an address of congratulation, saying how glad they were to have a woman to rule over them, which was a good deal for boys to say, and also sung the National Anthem with a will.

Hansom-cab drivers, attracted by the noise of our altercation, drew up to the sidewalk to watch developments, and then, after the usual fifteen or twenty minutes, the blue-coat emissary of justice appeared. "'Phat's dthis? he asked. "'I have detected this man leaving my house in a suspicious manner, said my adversary. 'I have reason to suspect him of thieving.

And yonder bluebird with the earth tinge on his breast and the sky tinge on his back, did he come down out of the heaven on that bright March morning when he told us so softly and plaintively that, if we pleased, spring had come? Indeed, there is nothing in the return of the birds more curious and suggestive than in the first appearance, or rumors of the appearance, of this little blue-coat.

Madison was, at this time, a precarious place for a long tarrying. I went to sleep in the inn on the night of my arrival, and at that time the place was thronged with cavalry and artillery-men. Next morning, when I aroused, not a blue-coat could be seen.

There is one very big school, which went from London into the country, called the Blue-coat School; this is just like any other school where big boys go, except that the boys never wear hats, and have bright yellow stockings and a long sort of skirt on to their coats, which must be very awkward for them when they want to play cricket or football. What do you think they do with it then?

"You call yourself a brave man. You said you would never surrender to a blue-coat, and now you give up to Indians in blue clothes!" That stung Sitting Bull. He resisted. He began to speak rapidly to his Ghost Dancers. "These police are taking me away. You are more than they. You have guns in your hands. Are you going to let them take me away?

Coucou had a special predilection for the "female sex," and the widow of the sergeant saw in every blue-coat a comrade of her "blessed one." "How do you do, madame? Surely you are the companion of the beautiful little one up-stairs?" and he pointed at the house. Madame Caraman nodded.

There's a story told in Georgia 'Tis in everybody's mouth, That 'twas old Tecumseh Sherman Brought the Daisy to the South. Ne'er that little blossom stranger In our land was known to be, Till he marched his blue-coat army From Atlanta to the sea. A Monkey-hunt