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So far even!" cried Blackhawk. They closed again, but Yan was more than ever careful. The city boy was puffing hard. The real trial was over and Cy went down quite easily. "Three cheers for Little Beaver!" A fourth scalp was added to his collection, and Sam patted him on the back, while Bluejay got out a pocket mirror and comb and put his hair straight.

"Could such an effect have a sufficiently great effect on this ship to give it as much as six hundred forty pounds of thrust?" "Again, I should have to check the math, captain, but I would assume so." "Mr. Blackhawk," the captain turned to his engineer, "could such a thrust throw Hot Rod off her communications beam and cause last night's disaster?"

"If you have any better plan to suggest, out with it." Tom, however, could think of nothing feasible and was silent. The boys had pulled their ponies down to a walk and for several minutes none of them spoke. Of a sudden Blackhawk raised his head, sniffed the air and then uttered a low whinny. The sound, coming so unexpectedly, scared the lads, and they looked at one another in alarm.

He walked directly to the office of the provost-marshal, which was in the hotel, and finding that officer at his desk, handed him the admiral's note, which ran as follows: "U. S. FLAG-SHIP BLACKHAWK, "OFF ALEXANDRIA, LA., March 20, 1864. "SIR: Please furnish the bearer, Acting Ensign Frank Nelson, with a pass.

"Well, that puts Fox and Skunk out of it," said the Trapper, "but it certainly don't act like a Coon on the ground." "First there gets the Coon!" shouted Blackhawk, and the boys skurried through the dark woods, getting many a scratch and fall. As it was, Yan and Wesley arrived together and touched the tree at the same moment.

Blackhawk and I had better start construction on this device immediately, without waiting for you to complete the check-out. That may save us invaluable time." "Of course," said the captain. "What assistance will you need?" "Of the greatest priority," replied Ishie gravely, "is access to the machine shop. The solar flare should be about wearing itself out." "Oh ... of course. It may be."

And he led the way to where four bronchos stood tied to a railing. Quickly the Wilders made fast the suit-cases to their saddles and untied the ponies. "This is Blackhawk, Tom, and this is Lightning, Larry," said Horace as he handed the reins to the two boys. "They're a couple of the best ponies in New Mexico, and while you're here they'll be yours.

There isn't a scratch on Blackhawk, and if Tom's " "There's no scratch on me either," returned the boy. "But what about the race, do I win or not?" "Considering you flew from Blackhawk's back almost to the tree, I reckon you do," declared Mr. Wilder. And looking up, Tom noticed that he was, indeed, standing under the branches of the tree that marked the goal.

"Say if you boys wantee go, you hully." "Tell him to bring up Blackhawk, Lightning and Lady Belle. Then put up some food for us, Hop Joy. Plenty of it, mind." As the Chinaman glided from the room Mrs. Wilder asked: "Why do you take anything except for lunch, son?" "Because I think we will spend the night at the pool.

Horace was on the point of mentioning the fact when the word was passed back to dismount, and, leading their horses, they were soon within the protection of the woods. "Any of the ponies likely to whinny?" asked Lawrence as they halted in a glen. "Yes, Blackhawk," answered Horace. "It was he that gave warning of Jeffreys' approach." "Then we'll take them all pretty well up into the woods.