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"Mollie," she said, "you are very innocent; and I always knew you were very innocent; but I did not know you were as innocent as this, so utterly free from human guile that you could imagine pleasure in a Bilberry rejoicing. And I believe," still regarding her with that questioning pity, " I believe you really could. I must keep an eye on you, Mollie.

VACCINIUM uliginosum. GREAT BILBERRY. Vaccinium Vitis Idaea, RED WHORTLE-BERRY, and Vaccinium Oxycoccos, CRANBERRY, are all edible fruits, but do not grow in this part of the kingdom. Great quantities of Cranberries are imported every winter and spring from Russia; they are much esteemed by the confectioners for tarts, &c. and are sold at high prices.

Not a sound was there abroad, scarcely a leaf stirred; she could have stayed for hours there gazing on the calm beauty of nature, and communing with her own heart, when suddenly a stirring rustling sound caught her ear; it came from a hollow channel on one side of the promontory, which was thickly overgrown with the shrubby dogwood, wild roses, and bilberry bushes.

Quick as lightning he faced round, snatching at his assailant; but Louie was off, scudding among the bilberry hillocks with peals of laughter, while the slimy moss she had just gathered from the edges of the brook sent cold creeping streams into the recesses of David's neck and shoulders. He shook himself free of the mess as best he could, and rushed after her.

This is one of the most beautiful and showy species, with dense clusters of small, pinky flowers. V. MYRTILLUS. Whortleberry, Bilberry, Blackberry, and Blueberry. A native plant, with angular stems, ovate-toothed leaves, and pinky-white flowers, succeeded by bright, bluish-black berries. V. PENNSYLVANICUM. New England to Virginia, 1772.

Coffee and conversation this time." Griffith looked at Dolly inquiringly, but Dolly only laughed and shrugged her plump shoulders wickedly. "Look here," he said, with a disapproving air, "it ain't true, is it, Dolly? You are not going to make a burnt-offering of yourself on the Bilberry shrine again, are you?" But Dolly only laughed the more as she took the merino from him.

Green Ears sat opposite to Käthe staring at her with a wistful expression of adoration and love in his eyes. A chocolate pudding with cream and sugar and a bilberry jelly stood on the table, also rolls which were thickly buttered and spread with various kinds of fairy sausage purely vegetarian in character. Mugs of delicious-looking milk were ready for each child.

Here everyone quotes, and so will I: Hic ver assiduum atque alienis mensibus aestas. Nor have the upper heights been wholly bared. The mountain-flanks are still bushy and tufty with broom, gorse, and furze; with myrtle, bilberry and whortleberry; with laurels; with heaths 20 feet high, and with the imported pine.

They went along a footpath, full of roots, and the path ended abruptly before a stile. They had to climb over it. Then the road became stony, and the philosopher complained of his feet, but he forgot all about his pains when they came to another stile. After that, all trace of the road disappeared; they walked on the bare rock through shrubs and bilberry bushes.

"That woman has a genius for presenting herself at inopportune times." "But it is n't Lady Augusta," Mollie objected. "It is n't the Bilberry carriage at all. Do you think I don't know 'the ark'?" "You ought to by this time," returned Phil. "I do, to my own deep grief." "It is the Brabazon Lodge carriage!" cried Mollie, all at once. "Miss MacDowlas is getting out, and yes, here is Dolly!"