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It is to the credit of the Nor'-Westers that they restrained themselves and avoided a general conflict, but evidently they only bided their time. No breach of the peace occurred however, before the return of the Colonists from Pembina to the Colony Houses.

So Momaya bided her time until night, and just before the gates of the village were closed, she slipped through into the darkness and the jungle.

"They will come back, as man and wife!" growled old Verner, to Captain Hardwicke, "and then, look out for a second bridal! Hawke and the heiress!" But Harry Hardwicke only smiled and bided his time. His daily morning ride led him to the double gateway, to at least nearby the isolation of the lovely Rose who was filling his heart with all beauty and brightness.

But such was his hatred that Thumb always stayed the finger that crooked upon the trigger and bided his time. Thus it was that half an hour after Wentworth pushed out into the lake another canoe shot out from the shore and fell in behind, its lone occupant, paddling noiselessly, easily kept just within sight of the fleeing man.

She went, and came, and laughed before this man who was looking at her with evil eyes. Thoughtful, he bided his time. In proportion as he waited, his determination to cast a despair into this woman's life augmented. Inexorable high tide of malice. In the meantime he gave himself excellent reasons for his determination. It must not be thought that scoundrels are deficient in self-esteem.

But I just bided my time, and one hot day after watering up the engine him and the conductor went off to get a drink. I had a few lengths of log chain handy, and some laborers with picks and shovels, and we made a neat, clean little job of it. Then I climbed up into the cab. When the engineer came back and wanted to know what I was doing there, I told him we'd attached his train.

Then the conspirators waited for him to come up the stoop, and from their hiding-place in a window of the second floor they dropped an extra quart upon him. Ken vowed vengeance that would satisfy him thrice over, and he bided his time until he learned who had perpetrated the outrage. One day after practice his opportunity came.

North Carolina and Louisiana, it was learned, would probably not go out at all. But the enthusiasts in South Carolina had got all the encouragement they wanted, and bided their time. Their time was at hand. The presidential election fell on November 6th. Next day the tidings flashed over the land that Abraham Lincoln had been elected President by the vote of a solid North against a solid South.

The two ahead of them drew directly into their path, but veered a little to one side, when they saw with what speed the other boat was approaching. They also began to fire, but the six, sheltered well, heard the bullets patter upon the wooden sides and they bided their time. Henry, peeping over, marked the boat on the right and saw a face which he knew to be that of a white man.

She'd sized it up at a glance, made up her mind in three minutes what was the sensible thing for them to do, written a note to Florence McCrea in Paris, and then bided her opportunity to put her idea into effect. She went out cruising with Rose in the car two or three times, looking at places, but gave her no indications that she felt more than the most languid interest in the problem.