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As for remembrance of Beethoven, one may apply to her the words of Shakespeare, 'She died and gave no sign. Was it perhaps that she did not dare? Even after seeing the above words in type, I am able to add something more definite to Thayer's argument if one is to believe a book I stumbled on in an old bookshop, and have not found mentioned in any of the Beethoven bibliographies.

A student who has once made a thorough comparative test of the merits, as aids to wide and rapid research, of the old-fashioned bibliographies and the best modern dictionary catalogues, will no more deny the superiority of the latter, than he will contest the maxim that a straight line is the nearest road between two points.

The talk about librarians, in fact, brings these naturally before us by the law of association, since the duties of the librarian are congenial to this special department of the literary world, the work of which has indeed been chiefly performed by eminent librarians. The best general name for the class of books which I refer to, is that of Bibliographies, given to them by the French.

BIBLIOGRAPHIES. Justin Winsor, Narrative and Critical History, VI. 745, VII. 199-236, 527-543, VIII. 491;, notes to Curtis, Bancroft, McMaster, and Pitkin; W. F. Foster, References to the Constitution, 12-14; J. J. Lalor, Cyclopedia, I. 577; Channing and Hart, Guide, secs. 142, 149-153.

Naturally, the most satisfactory of bibliographies are those limited to books of a special class. These are frequent in law and divinity, but are most numerous in history.

I, 1801-1832 , political and conservative; G. C. Broderick and J. K. Fotheringham, Political History of England, 1801-1837 , accurate but dry, containing valuable bibliographies; J. H. Rose, William Pitt and the Great War , a notable contribution, and, by the same author, though not so excellent, Pitt and Napoleon: Essays and Letters ; W. C. Russell, Horatio Nelson , a convenient little biography in the "Heroes of the Nations" Series; A. T. Mahan, The Life of Nelson, the Embodiment of the Sea Power of Great Britain, 2 vols. , a standard work; J. S. Corbett, Campaign of Trafalgar , with reference to Pitt more than to Nelson; A. T. Mahan, Sea Power in its Relation to the War of 1812, 2 vols. ; J. W. Fortescue, History of the British Army, Vols.

The best account of sixteenth-century industry is in Vol. II of W. J. Ashley, English Economic History and Theory, with elaborate critical bibliographies. For town-life and the gilds: Mrs.

Such a person ought to go to his task with something totally different from the impulses which induce a man to sort dry goods or make up invoices with eminent success. In short, your librarian would need to be in some way touched with the malady which has been the object of these desultory remarks. Bibliographies.

Palgrave, R. H. I.: Dictionary of Political Economy. Many of the articles on subjects of economic history are the best and most recent studies on their respective subjects, and the bibliographies contained in them are especially valuable. Four single-volume text-books have been published on this general subject: Cunningham, William, and McArthur, E. A.: Outlines of English Industrial History.

The number of books, pamphlets, and special articles upon this subject, written by Northerners, Southerners, negroes, and even foreigners, is enormous. These publications range from displays of hysterical emotionalism to statistical studies, but no one book can treat fully all phases of so complex a question. Bibliographies have been prepared by W.E.B. Du Bois, A.P.C. Griffin, and others.