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Deinde introducuntur elephantes, leones, pardi, simiae, marmotae, et diuersae bestiae, quarum ductores singuli transeuntes inclinant reuerenter, et intente.

Aestiuo tempore, cadunt ibi frequenter tempestates, tonitruorum, fulminum, et grandinum, quibus domus, arbores, bestiae, et homines, comburuntur, euelluntur, et occiduntur. Nam et quandoque subrepente oritur ibi calor immoderatus, et improuiso frigus immoderatum. Via de Cypro vel Ierusalem vsque in Babyloniam AEgypti.

Ibi videntur leones albi in mira magnitudine boum nostrorum, et multae diuersae bestiae, et aues, bestiolae, et auiculae aliarum specierum quam in partibus istis. Nam ibi et in nonnullis alijs insulis vidi vnum mirum, de quo prius vix credidissem narranti, videlicet anates cum duobus capitibus.

"You are welcome to my symposion, Mr. Lovel. And now let me introduce you to my Clogdogdo's, as Tom Otter calls them my unlucky and good-for-nothing womankind malae bestiae, Mr. Lovel." "I shall be disappointed, sir, if I do not find the ladies very undeserving of your satire." "Tilley-valley, Mr.

Linnaeus said long ago, "Nescio quae facies laeta, glabra plantis Americanis: I know not what there is of joyous and smooth in the aspect of American plants;" and I think that in this country there are no, or at most very few, Africanae bestiae, African beasts, as the Romans called them, and that in this respect also it is peculiarly fitted for the habitation of man.

"You are welcome to my symposion, Mr. Lovel. And now let me introduce you to my Clogdogdo's, as Tom Otter calls them my unlucky and good-for-nothing womankind malae bestiae, Mr. Lovel." "I shall be disappointed, sir, if I do not find the ladies very undeserving of your satire." "Tilley-valley, Mr.