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"Well, sport," said the sheriff, "berryin' good this mornin'?" But at the sound of the human voice the black head disappeared beneath the surface of foliage. There was a momentary swaying of bushes in one spot, like the swirl of disturbed water after a fish; but there was nothing to mark the line of the beast's flight. For all his bulk he melted through the tangle as soundlessly as a spirit.

"This came somewhat suddent on owld Tom, but he wor noways put out. "`Well, you do see, Cap'n Rowe, says he, `I do it apurpose, for I do look at the thing in two lights." "`How so? asked the captain. "`Why, the people of St. Just only think of the berryin', but I do think of the resurrection; the consekince is that they do dig too deep, an' afore the St.

"`Now look here, Tom, says the captain, very stern, `they tell me thee 'rt gettin' lazy, Tom, an' that thee do dig the graves only four fut deep. Now, Tom, I was over to St. Just t'other day to a berryin', and I see that they do dig their graves six fut or more deeper than you do. That won't do, Tom, I tell 'ee. What's the meanin' of it?

"Gone berryin'!" screamed Mrs. Babcock, and the other women echoed her. "Yes'm." "When did she go?" "Right after dinner." "Right after dinner, an' she ain't got home yet! Out in this awful tempest! Well, she'll be killed. You'll never see her again, that's all. A berry pasture is the most dangerous place in creation in a thunder-shower. Out berryin' in all this hail an' thunder an' lightnin'!"

"I met Ralph in the morning part," said Matthew; "he telt me all the ins and outs aboot it. I reckon he were going to the kirk garth aboot the berryin'." Mrs. Ray raised her apron to her eyes again. Willy got up and left the room. He at least was tortured by this kind of comfort.

"I counted upon the chaise," she said, turning her back to me, and roughly pushing back all the quiet tumblers on the cupboard shelf as if they had been impertinent. "Yes, I desired the chaise for once. I ain't goin' berryin' nor to fetch home no more wilted vegetation this year. Season's about past, except for a poor few o' late things," she added in a milder tone. "I'm goin' up country.

'I were awlus for carryin'. I make nowt o' poor folk apein' th' quality, and when they're deead and all. Them as keeps carriages while they're wick can ride in yersts to their berryin' if they like, it's nowt to me; but when I dee I's be carried, and noan so far, noather. This moralizing on funerals by the sexton's wife was a new phase of life to Mr. Penrose.

No, I ain't intendin' to go berryin'. I've been plottin' for it the past fortnight and hopin' for a good day." "Would you like to have me go too?" I asked frankly, but not without a humble fear that I might have mistaken the purpose of this latest plan. "Oh certain, dear!" answered my friend affectionately.

Yonder berryin' ground will soon have these old bones, and it's no matter whether I'm carried there with one leg off and ter'ble gashes in the other or not! But you, John YOU are young." The old man changed places with his son. A smile of calm resignation lit up his wrinkled face, as he sed, "Now, sir, I am ready!" "What mean you, old man!" I sed.

Some women o' the Asa Bowden family went out one afternoon berryin' when I was a girl, and got lost and was out all night; they found 'em middle o' the mornin' next day, not half a mile from home, scared most to death, an' sayin' they'd heard wolves and other beasts sufficient for a caravan.