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To be sure, there is one improvement upon ours instead of lemonade with their ices, they hand about stiff rum-punch punch, by my palate; and this they think English. I would not disabuse them of so agreeable an error, 'no, not for "Venice"." The chief houses to which he went were the Palazzo Benzon and the Palazzo Albrizzi.

In a society full of selfishness and pretension, it is a great thing to have practical proof that a life and character like his are possible." Edmund L. Benzon, of Boston, writing to the same, says; "You will imagine, better than I can write, with what deep sympathy I learned the death of your good father, whom I have always esteemed one of the best of men. I cannot say I am sorry for his death.

Pedro de Zieza. Alvar Nunnez Cabeza de Vaca. Bernal Diaz del Castillo. The Bishop of Chiapa, Las Casas. The Dean Cervantes. Francisco de Xeres. Gonzalo Ximenes de Quesada. Garibay. Pedro Pizarro. The relations of Cortes. Nunno de Guzman. Diego Fernandez de Palentia. Augustino de Zarate. The Pontifical History. Don Alonzo de Ercilla. Geronimo Benzon. Theodore de Brye. Jusepe de Acosta.

He had expected romance, and had met merchandize, and his vanity was offended. To pacify him, Nevil related how he had heard that since the Venetian rising of '49, Venetian ladies had issued from the ordeal of fire and famine of another pattern than the famous old Benzon one, in which they touched earthiest earth. He praised Republicanism for that.

Browning was the guest of Mr. Ernest Benzon: having left his sister to the care of M. and Madame Milsand at St.-Aubin. The ailment he speaks of consisted, I believe, of a severe cold. Another of the occurrences of 1871 was Mr. Browning's election as Life Governor of the London University.

Another calle and traghetto and we come to a very commonplace house, and then, after a cinematograph office and another calle, to the Palazzo Benzon, famous a hundred years ago for its literary and artistic receptions, and now spruce and modern with more of the striking blue posts, the most vivid on the canal. In this house Byron has often been; hither he brought Moore.

He had expected romance, and had met merchandize, and his vanity was offended. To pacify him, Nevil related how he had heard that since the Venetian rising of '49, Venetian ladies had issued from the ordeal of fire and famine of another pattern than the famous old Benzon one, in which they touched earthiest earth. He praised Republicanism for that.