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All the keys are in my keeping, and dear grandfather has the finest wine, not to be matched in the west of England, as I have heard good judges say; though I know not wine from cider. Do you like the wine of Oporto, or the wine of Xeres?" "I know not one from the other, fair cousin, except by the colour," I answered: "but the sound of Oporto is nobler, and richer. Suppose we try wine of Oporto."

Within our own times the Grand Canary was conquered by Pedro de Vera, a Spanish nobleman from Xeres; Palma and Teneriffe were conquered by Alonzo de Lugo, but at the cost of the royal treasury.

Shortly after I had taken my departure Senor Xeres had roused up from the short sleep into which he had sunk, to express his determination to recommence his journey, declaring that he had nothing now to lose; while, half an hour after, Lilla had seen through one of the verandahs the whole of the labourers glide silently away towards the forest, and then a silence as of death had fallen upon the hacienda.

So with the vines of Xeres and Oporto; of Teneriffe or Constantia. Different countries produce wines peculiar to themselves; and the wine of Western Australia will be found to be entirely sui generis.

I find it difficult to believe that Davenport could have preserved throughout five acts such clear directness of style. The old form of "pop-gun." Xeres. Cadiz. Span. picaro, a rogue or thief. Nares quotes several instances of "picaro" and "picaroon" from our early writers. It would be an improvement to read "enkindled," or "kindled at the first." Cf. The meaning is "band, company."

I then turned about, and pressing my knees against the sides of Sidi Habismilk, my Arabian, the fleet creature, to whom spur or lash had never been applied, would set off in the direction of the town with the speed of a whirlwind, seeming in his headlong course to devour the ground of the waste, until he had left it behind, then dashing through the elm-covered road of the Delicias, his thundering hoofs were soon heard beneath the vaulted archway of the Puerta de Xeres and in another moment he would stand stone- still before the door of my solitary house in the little silent square of the Pila Seca.

"Tell his majesty," he said, "that I kiss his hands for the honor he has done me, and regret that my scanty force was not fitted to give him a more signal reception. Had three hundred horsemen, whom I have been promised from Xeres, arrived in time, I might have served him up an entertainment more befitting his station.

Port takes its name from Oporto, in Portugal; and sherry, which used to be called "sherris," comes from the name of Xeres, a Spanish town. Many less well-known wines have merely the name of the place where they are produced printed on the label, and they tend to be called by these names such as Capri bianco Vesuvio, etc.

'Cannot leave the girl in a hole, he said to himself, and proceeded to act upon this resolution with a steadiness of purpose for which some may blame him. It was evening when the two travellers reached Xeres after some weary hours of monotonous progress through the vine-clad plains of this country.

"Senor Don Pablo Garcia, I have I, S. Xeres have examined and proved that gold," said the old notary. "I say it is pure, and you cannot refuse it. Senor Landell, there are your bonds now. Senor Garcia is angry, but the business is terminated."