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The former had just been released from duty at Committee Headquarters, where a guard of 300 men was, night and day, maintained. "Casey has spent most of his time writing since we captured him," Benito told his friend. "He recovered his nerve when he found we'd no intention of hanging him without a trial. Of course, if King should live, he'll get off lightly. And then, there's Cora "

Presently Captain Delano, intending to say something to his host concerning the pecuniary part of the business he had undertaken for him, especially since he was strictly accountable to his owners with reference to the new suit of sails, and other things of that sort; and naturally preferring to conduct such affairs in private, was desirous that the servant should withdraw; imagining that Don Benito for a few minutes could dispense with his attendance.

This mate was a bold, wicked, reckless and ungovernable spirit, and perceiving in Benito de Soto a mind congenial with his own, he fixed on him as a fit person to join in a design he had conceived, of running away with the vessel, and becoming a pirate.

'Don't be proud, he said and poked me in the ribs. 'And don't forget that Bill Ralston's your friend." "Everybody calls him 'Bill," his mother added. "Washerwomen, teamsters, beggars, millionaires. If ever there was a friend of the people it is he." "Some day, though, he'll overplay his game," Benito prophesied.

Now, do you think that it was for the few pieces of gold contained in the case that Torres was in such a fury to recover it? and do you not remember the extraordinary satisfaction which he displayed when we gave him back the case which we had taken out of the monkey's paw?" "Yes! yes!" answered Benito. "This case which I held which I gave back to him! Perhaps it contained "

"I reckon," Adrian commented as he joined the group, "a vigilance committee is what we need even more." To this Benito made no answer. Into his mind flashed a memory of the trio that had left Thieves' Hollow at daybreak. Benito Windham rose reluctantly and stretched himself.

He spoke no word. He only rested his eye on his master's, as if, amid all Don Benito's distress, a little to refresh his spirit by the silent sight of fidelity. Presently the ship's bell sounded two o'clock; and through the cabin windows a slight rippling of the sea was discerned; and from the desired direction. "There," exclaimed Captain Delano, "I told you so, Don Benito, look!"

"What do you propose?" asked Antonio, unable longer to restrain himself. "To turn them loose ... upon their word not to trouble us further," said McTurpin. "I have merely assumed control of my property. I hold the conveyance of Benito Windham. It is all quite regular," he laughed shortly. Antonio moved uneasily. His hand upon the lariat itched for a cast. McTurpin saw it.

"Benito Villegas?" she asked in fluent Spanish, of the ostler, who stared with open-mouthed surprise at this apparition of a fine lady in such a dirty locality. "Benito, the commission agent and guide? Yes, señora, he is with his horses inside," replied the ostler, pointing to the stable-door. "Call him, then!" cried Mrs. Wilders, imperiously.

Harpending he knew and liked, despite his Southern sympathies; Rubery he had met; an English lad, high-spirited and well connected. In fact, John Bright soon had his errant nephew out of jail. And when, a few months later, Harpending and Greathouse were released, Benito deemed the story happily ended. He heard nothing from McTurpin. No doubt the fellow was dead.