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Perhaps you had some little bit of a tiff or misunderstanding with Mr. Beadon " "Oh no," said Milly. The color in her face was painfully hot now. "Mr. Beadon is always very good and kind. But," she continued, looking down and pushing her wedding-ring to and fro, "he is very busy indeed, and he is obliged to go abroad sometimes on business. He travels I think he calls it for a great London house.

Chetwinde on the third day of the trial, when Mrs. Clarke's cross-examination, begun on the previous day, was continued by Sir Edward Jeffson, Beadon Clarke's leading counsel. Dion told Rosamund where he was going when he left the house in the morning. "I hope it will go well for poor Mrs. Clarke," she said kindly, but perhaps rather indifferently.

Presently the position of Beadon Clarke in the Constantinople menage was touched upon, and suddenly Dion found himself imagining how it would be to have as his wife a Mrs. Clarke. Suppose Rosamund were to develop the unconventional idiosyncrasies of a Cynthia Clarke? He realized at once that he was not a Beadon Clarke; he could never stand that sort of thing.

He was a man of thirty-five, although his smooth-shaven face and fair hair made him look younger than his years. It was a commonplace countenance, shrewd and intelligent enough, but not very attractive. There was a certain honesty in his eyes, however, which redeemed the plainness of his insignificant and irregular features. "Mrs. Beadon, I think?" he said. "My name's Johnson. I come from Mr. Mr.

Beadon with a message." "Yes?" said Milly, her hand upon her side. "What is it, please? Tell me quickly is he coming to-day?" The man looked at her oddly. There was something like pity in his eyes. "Not to-day, madam," he replied. Milly sank down on her chair again and sighed deeply. The color left her cheeks.

"Did you think that I should have anything to say against your marriage, Milly?" said Lettice, mournfully. "I I thought you might. And Mr. Beadon asked me not to mention it." "Well! and so you trusted him. And then, poor girl, your dream soon came to an end?" "Not very soon. He kept his word " "What?" "He married me, on the day when I left you. Not in a church, but somewhere in Fulham, I think.

"I have a communication to make, madam," said the clerk, rather hesitatingly, "which I am afraid may be a little painful, though not, Mr. Beadon tells me, unexpected by you. I hope that you will be prepared " "Go on," said Milly, sharply. "What is it? Why have you come?" "Mr. Beadon wishes you to understand, madam, that he is going abroad again very shortly.

Clarke really were what Beadon Clarke's counsel had suggested that she was, how would it affect him? Dion pondered that question on the quay. Mrs.

The inflexion of Lady Ingleton's voice at that moment made Dion think of Mrs. Chetwinde. Once or twice Mrs. Chetwinde's voice had sounded almost exactly like that when she had spoken of Mrs. Clarke. "Especially people who are innocent," he said. "Naturally, as Cynthia was. Beadon Clarke made a terrible mistake, poor fellow."

"I believe you would," he said. She continued looking at him, as if tranquilly waiting for something. "I'll I'll go back to Buyukderer," he said. In his contrition for the attack which he had made upon the honor of his wife at his mother's instigation, Beadon Clarke had given up all claims on his boy's time. Actually, though not legally, Mrs. Clarke had complete control over Jimmy.