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But when the servant girl said Mr. Dean was upstairs, she liked her dirty, good-natured smile, and she loved the stairs and banisters it was all wonderful, and she could hardly believe that in a few moments more she would catch the first sight of his face. She would have to tell some part of the truth; and since Lady Asher was dead, he could not fail to believe.

I must have Mr. Batchgrew here at once. Didn't you hear me call and call to you?" "That I didn't, ma'am! I was beating the feather bed in the back bedroom. Nay, not a step lower do you go, ma'am, not if I lose me job for it." Thomas Batchgrew and Louis were already out in the hall. Half-way down the stairs stood Mrs. Maldon, supporting herself by the banisters and being supported by Mrs. Tams.

sang Mina, as she bounded down-stairs not disdaining, in spite of her eighteen years, to slide down the last few feet of the banisters; only she took care to see that nobody but Clara was in sight. It was a very happy breakfast-table, though Leonard, whose classes kept him in town, affected a melancholy mood.

How she got from story to story was a mystery beyond solution. A lady so decorous in herself, and so highly connected, was not to be suspected of dropping over the banisters or sliding down them, yet her extraordinary facility of locomotion suggested the wild idea. Another noticeable circumstance in Mrs. Sparsit was, that she was never hurried.

Among the few points in Josephine's character which irritate me is her weakness for custom, and it is growing on her. "No, I suppose that the correct social thing would have been to stand at the head of the banisters in my nightgown with a lighted candle and make a target of myself." "Why did you buy a pistol, then?" inquired my better half.

From the top of the stairs Robert had watched Christine go into dinner on his father's arm, and Edith Stonehouse follow with a black-coated stranger who had known his mother. He had listened to the talk and his father's laughter jovial and threatening and once he had dived downstairs and, peering through the banisters like a small blond monkey, had snatched a cream meringue from a passing tray.

He turned over again and put his ear to the ground Indians could hear things coming ever so far but he could hear nothing only the concertina! And almost instantly he did hear a grinding sound, a faint toot. Yes! it was a car coming coming! Up he jumped. Should he wait in the porch, or rush upstairs, and as they came in, shout: "Look!" and slide slowly down the banisters, head foremost? Should he?

In the corridor they met the train just coming along the banisters with supper. Pompous Mr. Williams tasted the prison diet on the spot. "It is excellent," cried he; "why the gruel is like glue." And he fell into a meditation. "So far everything is as we could wish, Mr. Hawes, and it speaks well for the discipline and for yourself." Hawes bowed with a gratified air.

It was necessary for them to grope their way upstairs. 'Take hold of the banisters, and be careful, said Claude; 'the steps are very high. The staircase, a very narrow one, a former servants' staircase, was divided into three lofty flights, which she climbed, stumbling, with unskilful, weary limbs. Then he warned her that they had to turn down a long passage.

Harry finished dressing first, and would have run down stairs, but was prevented by Philip, who locked the door, and then passed the key to Fred, so that Master Harry was compelled to wait until the others were ready. At last they descended by sliding down the banisters, Philip leading off, and Harry nearly upsetting him at the bottom by sliding down too quickly and coming into sharp contact.