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"I stick to my bond, I dress and talk and eat and go about- " Her voice dropped; she stared absently at the table. "But " the doctor prompted. "But that's just it but I'm so UNHAPPY all the time!" Rachael confessed. "We all seem like a lot of puppets, to me like Bander- log! What are we all going round and round in circles for, and who gets any fun out of it?

I'll just send upstairs for Bander to go on duty at the shop door to-day as well as to-morrow; I think we shall have a big sale this week." Mr. Bodery rose from his seat and began brushing his faultless hat. "Yes," he replied; "do that. It would be very easy to get at the machinery. Printers are only human!" "Machinery is ready enough to go wrong when nobody wishes it," murmured Mr.

So the days were passed in the little kampong under the gently swaying cocoanuts, and the little Malayan girl grew up like her companions, free and wild, with little thought beyond the morrow. That some day she was to be married, she knew; for since her first birthday she had been engaged to Mamat, the son of her father's friend, the punghulo of Bander Bahru.

With the aid of our glasses the white and red blur farther up the river resolved itself into the streets and quays of the little city of Bander Maharani, the capital of the province of Maur in dominions of his Highness Abubaker, Sultan of Johore.

From shore to shore, at high tide, it was a mile in breadth, and so deep that his Highness's yacht, the Pante, of three hundred tons' burden, could run up full fifty miles. For a moment we caught a view of the wooden minarets of the little mosque at Bander Maharani; then we dashed on into the heart of another great curve.

Thence they went on via Bushire, Bander Abbas, Tcharbar, and Karachi to Delhi, where they received a tremendous ovation as the first fliers to arrive from the home country. From Delhi they continued on without mishap to Calcutta.

On the 29th we set out for Sheher, or Shaher Bander as it is called, a most cheerful set of people, at least as far as our own immediate party was concerned; some of the others had little cause for pleasant anticipations. We were in advance of the baggage camels, riding our horses and donkey, and accompanied by Talib, without his dagger, on his camel.

Toward night Busuk was put in a rattan chair and carried by the young men, while Mamat and the girls walked by her side, a mile away, where her husband's big cadjang-covered prau lay moored. It was to take them to his bungalow at Bander Bahru.

The whistles screamed. The bells clanged. Smoke poured from the stacks of the double-header, and the freshening sun, a short time later, glinted upon the white-splotched equipment, as the great auger followed by its lesser allies, bored into the mass of snow at Bander Cut. Hours of backing and filling, of retreats and attacks, hours in which there came, time after time, the opportunity to quit.

But the man of mystery himself is delighted with it and thinks it is the best trick in his repertoire. The Bunder Boat. Our next trick so called because the toy boat used is intended to be a miniature of the harbour or "bander" boat used in Bombay is a trick which depends entirely on natural principles, and only needs a careful eye to time its required patter.