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His avuncular title was evidently only an ironical tribute to his amiable incompetency and heavy good-nature, for he was still a young man with no family ties, and by reason of his singular shyness not even a visitor in the few families of the neighborhood.

And there is the root of the matter; writing has come to be recognized as a profession, almost as cut- and-dried as church or law; a lad may go into it with full parental approval, with ready avuncular support.

"And leave your side?" replied the great man in manner most avuncular and with little reassuring pats upon the lady's hand. "No, indeed. I am going to remain with you and watch Rissaldar-Major Shere Singh ride him for me. Finest horseman in India. Good as myself. Yes, I hope the Judges for Class XIX know their business. I imported that horse from Home and he cost me over six thousand rupees."

Tymperley breathed not a word to the widow; spoke not a word to any one at all, except the lawyer, who quietly wound up his affairs, and the sister whose children must needs go without avuncular aid. During the absence of his friendly neighbours after Mr. Charman's death, he quietly disappeared. The poor gentleman was then close upon forty years old.

I quite overlooked that!" he smiled, gazing down at her in an avuncular manner. "But to-day the question isn't open. It is settled, whether we like it or not. No pledge of privacy, no oath of secrecy can avail against demand in a court of justice. Even confessions obtained by fraud are admissible though we might wish otherwise." Miss Beekman shrugged her shoulders.

I wouldn't let him get away till he promised. And the beauty of it is, that it doesn't cost us anything." The next Kit heard of the Klondike was when he dropped into the club that afternoon, and, in an alcove off the library, encountered his uncle. "Hello, avuncular relative," Kit greeted, sliding into a leather chair and spreading out his legs. "Won't you join me?"

"Well," he said, "as a matter of fact and record, I am a sort of relative of yours a species of avuncular relation." "What is that?" asked Drina coldly. "That," said Selwyn, "means that I'm more or less of an uncle to you. Hope you don't mind. You don't have to entertain me, you know." "An uncle!" repeated Drina. "Our uncle?" echoed Billy. "You are not our soldier uncle, are you?

As I know, however, you attach value to the effect you produce in that coat, I'll go and recover it. I shall not need Terence or Juvenal till we come back, and I'll leave them in the avuncular hands till then. 'I wonder you're not ashamed of these miserable straits. 'I am very much ashamed of the world that imposes them on me.

Tutt's breast swelled with an emotion which he was forced to admit was not altogether avuncular that curious sentimental mixture that middle-aged men feel of paternal pity, Platonic tenderness and protectiveness, together with all those other euphemistic synonyms, that make them eager to assist the weak and fragile, to try to educate and elevate, and particularly to find out just how weak, fragile, uneducated and unelevated a helpless lady may be.

Whereupon he decided to travel, a decision prompted as much by a not unnatural desire to avoid avuncular criticism as by a constitutional yearning for the sunny South. Besides, one could live for next to nothing abroad. During the next few years his proceedings were wrapped in a veil of mystery which he never entirely threw aside.