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He was an Arnaut or Albanian, who was captured by an Algerine pirate at the age of twelve, and early showed a turn for adventure. When his patron was engaged at the siege of Malta in 1565, young Murād gave him the slip, and went on a private cruise of his own, in which he contrived to split his galleot upon a rock.

As she approached her father told her in his own language that I was a captive belonging to his friend the Arnaut Mami, and that I had come for salad. She took up the conversation, and in that mixture of tongues I have spoken of she asked me if I was a gentleman, and why I was not ransomed.

The answers to the seventeen rime-words which occur in this stanza do not appear till the following stanza, the same rimes being kept throughout the six stanzas of the poem. To rest the listener's ear, while he waited for the answering rimes, Arnaut used light assonances which almost amount to rime in some cases.

Mas grans paors m'o tol e grans temensa, Qu'ieu non aus dir, dona, qu'ieu chant de vos. "But great fear and great apprehension comes upon me, so that I dare not tell you, lady, that it is I who sing of you." Arnaut seems to have introduced a new poetical genre into Provençal literature, the love-letter.

The biography relates an incident in his life which is said to have taken place at the court of Richard Coeur de Lion. A certain troubadour had boasted before the king that he could compose a better poem than Arnaut. The latter accepted the challenge and the king confined the poets to their rooms for a certain time at the end of which they were to recite their composition before him.

Arnaut was eventually obliged to leave Béziers, owing, it is said, to the rivalry of Alfonso II. of Aragon, who may have come forward as a suitor for Adelaide after Roger's death in 1194. The troubadour betook himself to the court of William VIII., Count of Montpelier, where he probably spent the rest of his life.

At last, one fine June morning, matters reached a climax, when the family sat down to their one o'clock déjeuner. The baroness was late; the first course was finished, and still she did not appear. "Where is Mathilde, Arnaut?" asked the old baroness. "I don't know," said the baron, sulkily. "I do," said Léon; "she is worshipping at the shrine of that precious baby of yours, Arnaut.

He said Lord W. Bentinck was not to be trusted, and we should be obliged to recall him. He is gone down in a steamboat to Penang. No news of much importance at the Cabinet room, except that Lord Heytesbury's despatches confirm the account of the sickness of the Russian army. The Turks seem to have given the Russians a great smash at Eski Arnaut. June 30.

Why on earth don't you send it away till it is old enough to amuse us?" "Go and tell Madame la Baronne the soup is already finished," said the baron to a servant at his elbow; but he vouchsafed no further answer. "I think Arnaut has suggested that the baby should be sent away, but Mathilde objects," remarked the old baroness. "Send it away without asking her, then.

In 1575, Cervantes was returning from Naples after serving for six years in the regiment of Figueroa, and losing the use of his left arm at Lepanto to revisit his own country; when his ship El Sol was attacked by several Corsair galleys commanded by Arnaut Memi; and, after a desperate resistance, in which Cervantes took a prominent part, was forced to strike her colours.