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Evolution took place in virtue of the power inherent in the developing organisms. But only when the environment was favorable and normal, did the evolution proceed favorably and normally, that is, toward the perfection of the animate kingdom.

'Most probably because he has not written, papa. He paused after the cool reply. She had no mournful gaze at all; but in the depths of the clear eyes he knew so well, there was a coil of something animate, whatever it might be. And twice she drew a heavy breath. He mentioned it in London. Nataly telegraphed at night for her girl to meet her next day at Dartrey's hotel.

It seemed, in those imperfectly lucid intervals, as if the reason only returned to guide her to destroy, only to animate the broken mechanism into the beast of prey. Years have now passed since her entrance within those walls. He who placed her there never had returned. He had given a false name, no clew to him was obtained; the gold he had left was but the quarter's pay.

Wordsworth's claim, his special gift, his lasting contribution, lies in the extraordinary strenuousness, sincerity, and insight with which he first idealises and glorifies the vast universe around us, and then makes of it, not a theatre on which men play their parts, but an animate presence, intermingling with our works, pouring its companionable spirit about us, and "breathing grandeur upon the very humblest face of human life."

From thee have emanated all things; thou art of excellent deeds; thou art all that hath not been and all that hath been. Thou art pure knowledge; thou displayest to us, as Surya does by his rays, this animate and inanimate universe; thou darkenest the splendour of Surya at every moment, and thou art the destroyer of all; thou art all that is perishable and all that is imperishable.

"Without repeating particular circumstances, let it suffice to say, our mutual passion was a perfect copy of that which had subsisted between me and my dear Lord W . It was jealous, melting and delicate, and chequered with little accident, which serve to animate and maintain the flame, in its first ardency of rapture.

Removed from that chilling counting-house, from the imperious will of a patron and master, all friendless, but all independent, the young adventurer felt a new being, felt his grand nature as Man. And on the Man rushed the genius long interdicted and thrust aside, rushing back, with the first breath of adversity, to console no! the Man needed not consolation, to kindle, to animate, to rejoice!

The old man raised his head and displayed a shrunken face down which two great tears were rolling, the first perhaps that that animate column of figures had ever shed in his life. "You are weeping, old man? What troubles you?" And honest Risler, deeply touched, held out his hand to his friend, who hastily withdrew his.

From bed to bed passed the magic words, "It is he." Every man uttered a benediction. Many wept tears of joy. A single thought seemed to animate them, and they voiced it in many tongues. "Ah, now we shall smite the German-log exceedingly. We shall fight even as tigers, for Jarj Panjam. The great Sahib has come to lead us in the field. Praised be his exalted name." The Field-Marshal's eyes shone.

The chariot reeled again and again, as this wheel or that passed over something animate and struggling. The horses caught the fire of conflict; they raced, they ran and the others sped after them. The mob left off howling: it screamed with a single voice of mortal dread.