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But it all went out of my head and I never thought of it from the moment Pertinax bowed himself out until this very instant. I'll make up to you for my forgetfulness, I promise you. Go on." Upon her telling of Almo's idling at inns after he ran away from Fregellae, Commodus cut in with: "I liked Almo, what little I saw of him, but I had forgotten him.

But she was plainly verging on total blindness. Except in so far as it was modified by pride in Terentia and solicitude for Causidiena, life in the Atrium flowed on as it had for centuries. Reports from Almo were uniformly good. From the first he displayed all the qualifications requisite for a commander in chief. For him everything promised well. Under these conditions Brinnaria throve.

I've no patience with such imbecility." "And I have very little," said the Emperor; "just enough to imagine a better way of disburdening you and of disposing of Almo than banishing him would be.

Even the stern Alexander Severus used to relax so far on the joyous day as to admit a pheasant to his frugal board. The next day, the twenty-sixth of March, was given to repose, which must have been much needed after the varied excitements and fatigues of the preceding days. Finally, the Roman festival closed on the twenty-seventh of March with a procession to the brook Almo.

He has been restored to his former rank in the nobility, has been confirmed in the possession of all inheritances which he might otherwise have forfeited, has been declared free from all stain and entirely fit to hold any office in the service of the Republic. The decree has been engrossed, sealed and signed by the Emperor. Almo is a nobleman as before. Are you pleased?"

The populace groaned. Manlia prayed. Brinnaria, under scrutiny of two hundred thousand eyes, sat erect, fanned herself steadily, and gazed straight before her. To all appearance she was as indifferent to Almo as if he did not exist. After that Alma moved like a sleep-walker or a man in a dream, dully and dazedly. The big man feinted and lunged cleverly.

Guntello was dead. That night Brinnaria wept long and bitterly. "The poor, brave, harmless, faithful fellow," she moaned. "Out of the malignity of my heart, in my pride and callousness, I sent him to an undeserved death! Oh, I am a wicked woman!" Strangely enough Guntello's death seemed to divert her mind entirely from the idea of avenging herself on Almo.

"What does this mean?" he queried. His host echoed him. "Brinnaria!" he called, imperatively. "What does this mean?" "Mean?" she repeated. "It means that I am making the most of Almo while I can.

Leave out the comments and tell the story." "While Almo was away on the expedition against the nomads of the plateau," Vocco narrated, "Pennasius fell ill, was allowed to resign his governorship and Grittonius took his place. On Almo's return Grittonius complimented him most highly and promised him any reward he asked for. Almo amazed him by asking for a full and honorable discharge from the army.

In the Greens, likewise, Brinnaria owned stock; and, having entered into inheritances from more than seventy different wealthy relatives who had died during the pestilence, she happened to own stock in every one of the six great companies. She had personal friends among the directors of each of the six. Therefore it was especially easy for her to enlist their help in her efforts to find Almo.