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She went out and entered it quite alone, and they were out of the Marchand estate by a rear exit and on the highway to Merz before Ruth discovered that the capped and goggled chauffeur was none other than Count Allaire Marchand himself.

The major turned immediately to Ruth, drawing his brother forward. "Mademoiselle Ruth Fielding, Allaire. The Count Marchand," he whispered formally. "You understand, from my message by Bubu, Allaire, for what reason the lady has taken this arduous journey, do you not?" "But yes," rejoined his brother. "Bubu safely arrived. I have not yet sent him back." "But Tom Lieutenant Cameron? What of him?"

"Well, it seems," said Nan, "that Patty has more hopes of realising her ambition than either of us." "Speak for yourself," said Marian. "I think I have," said Patty. "I have all the keys I want, and I'm quite sure papa would buy me a falcon if I asked him to." The next Saturday Mr. Fairfield proposed that they all go for a drive to Allaire. "What's Allaire?" said Patty.

Her eyes, however, revealed to the countess her consuming curiosity. "Mademoiselle!" exclaimed the old lady, "do you not know?" "I I don't know what you mean, Madame," stammered Ruth. "It is from the count my Allaire!" "The message is from Count Marchand?" cried the girl, in utter amazement. "But yes. He does not forget his old mother. When able, he always sends me word of cheer.

After the capture the Frenchmen stripped him and put him in the hold, and had it not been for a Madame Allaire, who kept his money for him, he might very possibly have perished from the exposure of an imprisonment in France, for his lungs were delicate.

In rallying the loyalists of the Back Country of Georgia and the Carolinas, Ferguson was very successful. He was presently in command of a thousand or more men, including small detachments of loyalists from New York and New Jersey, under American-born officers such as De Peyster and Allaire.

Here's the story as I wrote it down from day to day. "March 1. It's plain enough that Magnus has been embezzling the fortune of his niece, Miss Allaire. From what the girl could tell me of her late parent's mode of living I put them down as being comfortably off, if not rich.

"Yes, and consequently he has been working all this while to get them away from me. We're ready now to make a deal, but I'd like to know what stakes are on the table before playing a card." "There was an ante of ten thousand dollars, you remember." "Quite so. Well, Miss Allaire, if you are willing to have me play the partie in your behalf "

They fled down the hill-side, and being sinewy, nimble men, swift of foot, they were not overtaken, save a few of sullen temper, who would not retreat and were bayoneted. One of their officers, a tall backwoodsman, six feet in height, was cut down by Lieutenant Allaire, a New York loyalist, as the latter rode at the head of his platoon.

Thus he makes the war with the Cherokees take place in 1777, instead of '76. His explanation of Tarleton's defeat at the Cowpens must be accepted with much reserve. At King's Mountain he says the Americans had fifteen hundred men, instead of twenty-five hundred, of which Allaire speaks.