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And the more trouble a young un is, and the more good for nothing, as a gen'l thing, the tighter they sticks to 'em." "Wal, Mr. Haley," said Marks, "'est pass the hot water. Yes, sir, you say 'est what I feel and all'us have.

"My, but isn't it cold?" she said, as she shook the dust out of her shawl and set the pitcher down on the bar. "Gimme a pint," laying down a few pennies that had been wrapped in a corner of the shawl, "and mamma says make it good and full." "All'us the way with youse kids want a barrel when yees pays fer a pint," growled the bartender.

"My, but isn't it cold?" she said, as she shook the dust out of her shawl and set the pitcher down on the bar. "Gimme a pint," laying down a few pennies that had been wrapped in a corner of the shawl, "and mamma says make it good and full." "All'us the way with youse kids want a barrel when yees pays fer a pint," growled the bartender.

I kin jes' see dem ol' bindahs and harrows now, dat dey used den. It would shure look funny usin' 'em now." "I all'us got up foah clock in de mornin' to git in de cows an' I didn't hurry nun, 'caise dat tak in de time." "Ouah mammy neber 'lowed de old folks to tell us chilluns sceery stories o' hants an' sich lik' so der's nun foah me to 'member." "Travelin' wuz rather slo' lik.

"Ay, to be sure I did; an' what's more, I says to un often an' often, when you wasn't by: 'Jarge, I'd say, 'Prue's a lovely maid, an' Peter's a fine young chap, an' they 'm beginnin' to find each other out, they be all'us a-talkin' to each other an' a-lookin' at each other, mornin', noon an' night! I says; 'like as not we'll 'ave 'em marryin' each other afore very long! an' Jarge 'ud just wrinkle up 'is brows, an' walk away, an' never say a word.

"We all went to Sunday School an' meetin'. Yes mam, we had to wurk on Sundays, too, if we did hav any spare time, we went visit in'. On Saturday nights we had big time foah der wuz mos' all'us dancin' an' we'd dance long as de can'les lasted. Can'les wuz all we had any time fur light."

"My brave lover that is so fine a gentleman he don't know anything of evil and has treated me always as if I was a proud lady as if I was a very holy thing instead of only a gipsy girl to be kissed and and oh, you are so different and so it is I love you love you, worship you, and all'us shall, my Peregrine, and long and yearn to be a lady for your sake and worthy of you "

For there's seven great stories, and they say that hundreds of years ago a baker used to come with loaves of bread, and waste it all a tryin' to make seven loaves remain at the same place, one on each stone. But one all'us fell off, and to this here day he's never yet been able to get all seven on the seven stones."