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But you wimmen have got the privelege now, if you are single, of workin' all your days at church work under the direction of us men." "Then I could work at the Deacon trade under you," sez she admirin'ly, "I could work jest like you pass round the bread and wine and the contribution box Sundays?"

"He is a artist, papa. Here is one of his master-pieces a young mother gazin' admirin'ly upon her first-born," and my daughter showed me a really pretty picter, done in ile. "Is it not beautiful, papa? He throws so much soul into his work." "Does he? does he?" said I "well, I reckon I'd better hire him to whitewash our fence. It needs it.

He was lookin' admirin'ly at Dorothy, and Miss Meechim went and sot down between 'em, and Tommy come and set with me agin. Tommy leaned up aginst me and looked out of the car window and sez kinder low to himself: "I wonner what makes the smoke roll and roll up so and feather out the sky, and I wonner what my papa and my mama is doin' and what my grandpa will do they will be so lonesome?"

And there are pictures of noted people who have been there to study and learn their methods, folks from foreign countries, who will carry the blessed and beautiful example seen here to other lands. In one view is a Prince and Princess who went there to learn their ways, lookin' admirin'ly on. In another is a Cardinal givin' his benediction to thousands of the happy workers.

Why, Tiffany's and Gorham's beautiful pavilion, that rises up as a sort of a centre piece to the United States exhibit, some think are the most beautiful in the hull Exposition. Big crowds are always standin' in front of that admirin'ly; the decoration and colorin' are perfect.

But you wimmen have got the privelege now, if you are single, of workin' all your days at church work under the direction of us men." "Then I could work at the Deacon trade under you," sez she admirin'ly, "I could work jest like you pass round the bread and wine and the contribution box Sundays?"

But towards mornin' I had a beautiful vision: my pardner and me wuz bore back to Jonesville, and sot in our own door yard under a spreadin' geranium tree, and Sister Bobbett stood admirin'ly before me with a tea-cup in her hand, beggin' for a slip from the immense branches. It wuz a sweet dream, and I waked up refreshed.

Josiah sez to me admirin'ly, "How such a costoom would brighten up our cornfield if I and Ury appeared in 'em." Sez I, "Ury would git his sash and hat ribbons all twisted up in his hoe handle the first thing." "They might be looped up," sez Josiah, "with rosettes."

"Well," sez I, "if you'll take the advice of a old Jonesvillian and well-wisher, you'll wait till you're a few years older before you call him pa." And she sez, lookin' admirin'ly at him, "I spoze I might call him papa." Well, you can't put sense into a certain bump in anybody's head if it wuzn't made there in the first place there are holler places in heads that you can't fill up, do your best.