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An excessive and erratic growth of epithelium is the essential and distinguishing feature of these tumours. The innocent forms are the papilloma and the adenoma; the malignant, the carcinoma or cancer.

Scrotal tumors are recorded that weighed over 200 pounds; and a limb affected with elephantiasis may attain an astonishing size. Delamater is accredited with a report of a tumor that weighed 275 pounds, the patient only weighing 100 pounds at death. Benign tumors will be considered first. Pure adenoma of the breast is a rare growth.

These growths are often multiple; the individual tumours vary in size, and the skin, which is almost devoid of hairs, is glistening and tightly stretched over them. A similar tumour may occur on the nose. The sebaceous adenoma, which originates from the sebaceous glands, forms a projecting tumour on the face or scalp, and when the skin is irritated it may ulcerate and fungate.

#Adenoma.# This is a comparatively rare tumour growing from the glands of the skin. One variety, known as the "tomato tumour," which apparently originates from the sweat glands, is met with on the scalp and face in women past middle life.

As it resembles an adenoma in structure it is sometimes described as a malignant adenoma. Its malignancy is shown by the proliferating epithelium invading the other coats of the stomach or intestine, and by the development of secondary growths. Glandular carcinoma originates in organs such as the breast, and in the glands of mucous membranes and skin.

CLASSIFICATION OF TUMOURS: I. Connective-tissue tumours: Innocent: Lipoma, Xanthoma, Chondroma, Osteoma, Odontoma, Fibroma, Myxoma, Endothelioma, etc.; Malignant: Sarcoma II. Epithelial tumours: Innocent: Papilloma, Adenoma, Cystic Adenoma; Malignant: Epithelioma, Glandular Cancer, Rodent Cancer, Melanotic Cancer III. Dermoids IV. Teratoma.

This is met with chiefly in the breast and ovary, and the tumour resembles the cystic adenoma, but it tends to infect its surroundings and gives rise to secondary growths. It almost never infects the lymph glands. A dermoid is a tumour containing skin or mucous membrane, occurring in a situation where these tissues are not met under normal conditions.

The clinical features and treatment of the various forms of papilloma are considered with the individual tissues and organs. #Adenoma.# An adenoma is a tumour constructed on the type of, and growing in connection with, a secreting gland. In the substance of such glands as the mamma, parotid, thyreoid, and prostate, adenomas are met with as encapsulated tumours.

Of 22 cases collected by Tamburini 19 showed some change in the pituitary body, and in the remaining three cases either the diagnosis was uncertain or the disease was of very short duration. Linsmayer reported a case in which there was a softened adenoma in the pituitary body, and the thymus was absent.

The treatment consists in the removal of the tumour along with the overlying skin. The exuberant masses on the nose known as "rhinophyma," "lipoma nasi," or "potato nose" are of the nature of sebaceous adenoma, and are removed by shaving them off with a knife until the normal shape of the nose is restored Healing takes place with remarkable rapidity.