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Pell looked at her half quizzingly, and half questioningly. "What is the resolution?" "Naming a candidate for the vacancy for the Senate." "Nonsense," said Pell, laughing. "The convention has nothing to do with the senators. The Legislature elects them." He thought, "Why can't women, if they will talk politics, at least learn the ABC." "Yes," said Leonore, "but this is a new idea.

There were eighteen, and the moths had got into them, so that the draught under the door puffed little drifts of hair over the polished boards. Then he settled down to the first Latin declension Musa, a muse; vocative, Musa, O muse!; genitive, Musae, of a muse. Honoria began upon the ABC. Mr.

No inconsiderable part of the governor-general's task was a campaign of education in the ABC of responsible government. Those elementary ideas of party government now regarded as axiomatic had to be taught painfully to our rude forefathers in legislation.

Rather than submit to this mopping and mowing, this mincing and grimacing, this, grinding of a noble tongue, this general affectation and sickening stubbornness of the pupils of the first class, he would throw them up for a set of insupportable petites maitresses, and confine himself to teaching the ABC to the babies of the third division." What could I say to all this?

"Then why don't you try harder?" "I do, but I am so stupid." "You are not, Dexter. You always learn easily enough with me." "Yes, with you," said the boy quickly, "but you don't want me to say angle ABC is equal to the angle CBA, and all such stuff as that." "Don't call it stuff," said Helen, smiling in spite of herself; "it is Geometry." "But it is rum stuff all the same.

He was wonderfully like Aylmer. Edith was curiously pleased and excited about this little incident. Madame Frabelle and Bruce arrived at Waterloo in good time for the 11.10 train, which Bruce had discovered in the ABC. They wished to know where it started, but nobody appeared interested in the subject.

"Why, it's simple as ABC!" Dickinson smiled. He was tremendously relieved, and showed it. "That's true about all great ideas, Tallant," he said. "They're simple, only it takes a clever man to think of them." "And Jason agrees?" Tallant demanded. I nodded again. "We'll have to outbid the Automatic people. I haven't seen Bitter yet about the about the fee."

Probably somewhere about your home, put away so far from sight that you never think of them any more, are some of the ABC books and the alphabet blocks and the brightly colored story books about horses, dogs and other familiar animals that used to amuse you when you were just learning to say the alphabet and to spell a few three-letter words.

"I've sat and looked on a little when mother's been teaching the children their ABC. It's nothing at all if your upper story's all right." "Pelle'll be going to school soon," said Lasse reflectively. "And then perhaps I could for it would be nice. But I don't suppose I've got the head for it, do you? No, I'm sure I haven't got the head for it," he repeated in quite a despairing tone.

The lady said nothing, and the child turned her face to me again. I said it was a very pretty name and I had been pleased to hear it, and glad she told it to me without leaving anything out. Silence still on the part of the lady. "I think," I resumed, "that you are a rather wonderful child; have they taught you the ABC?" "Oh no, they don't teach me things like that I pick all that up."