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"Bewitched!" said I, starting. "Ah! theer you stand wi' your 'ammer in your 'and a-starin' an' a-starin' at nobody, nor nothin' leastways not as 'uman eye can see, an' a-sighin', an' a-sighin' " "Did I indeed sigh, Ancient?" "Ah that ye did like a cow, Peter, or a 'orse 'eavy an' tired like.

I know very well what you mean by direction," said Mrs. Poyser, knitting in a rapid and agitated manner. "When there's a bigger maggot than usual in your head you call it 'direction'; and then nothing can stir you you look like the statty o' the outside o' Treddles'on church, a-starin' and a-smilin' whether it's fair weather or foul. I hanna common patience with you."

Cherokee lines up on one side of the infant, an' Jack on t'other; an' the rest of us takes chairs an' camps 'round, We starts in an' shore sings him all we knows; an' we keeps it up for hours. All the time, that child is a-settin' thar, a-battin' his eyes an' a-starin', sleepless as owls. The last I remembers is Boggs's voice on 'Sandy Land'

At length, and as I stood upon the doorstep, a trembling, a mighty expectance, seized me like an ague-fit; and I heard myself saying, 'I am come to see the body, Mrs. Gudgeon. Then I saw her peer, blinking, into my face, as she said, 'Oh, oh, it's you, is it? It's one o' the lot as keeps the studeros, is it? the cussed Chelsea lot as killed her. I recklet yer a-starin' at the goddess Joker!

He was absent some minutes. "A nice sort of a chap, this," said Jim; "he's signed your bill, and he ain't got the money." "S'pose I must wait, then." "Look 'ere, Joe: don't you be a b -y fool! You take your account. If he writes his name afore he's paid, that's HIS look-out." Joe hesitated. "Wot are you a-starin' at? You've got the receipt, ain't yer? Isn't that enough?

"So say we all," remarked Frank; "for it will chase the blues away many a time, just to see the look on Uncle Toby's face, as he clung to that friendly limb." "Gorry, but I was mighty glad tuh git my claws on dat limb, Marse Frank. Wen I seed dem big yaller eyes a-starin' at me, an' heerd dat yowlin' noise, my knees dey jest wobbled together.

I's one o' de ole Blue hen's Chickens, I is! an' den I see dat young man stan' a-starin' an' stiff, lookin' kin' o' up at de ceilin' like he fo'got somefin, an' couldn't 'member it no mo'. Well, I jist march' on dem niggers so, lookin' like a gen'l an' dey jist cave' away befo' me an' out at de do'. An' as dis young man a-goin' out, I heah him say to another nigger, 'Jim, he says, 'you go 'long an' tell de cap'n I be on han' 'bout eight o'clock in de mawnin'; dey's somefin on my mine, he says; 'I don't sleep no mo' dis night.

I's one o' de ole Blue hen's Chickens, I is! an' den I see dat young man stan' a-starin' an' stiff, lookin' kin' o' up at de ceilin' like he fo'got somefin, an' couldn't 'member it no mo'. Well, I jist march' on dem niggers so, lookin' like a gen'l an' dey jist cave' away befo' me an' out at de do'. An' as dis young man a-goin' out, I heah him say to another nigger, 'Jim, he says, 'you go 'long an' tell de cap'n I be on han' 'bout eight o'clock in de mawnin'; dey's somefin on my mine, he says; 'I don't sleep no mo' dis night.

I just gripped him like a looney, an' he gripped me, an' thar we stood a-starin' an' a-staring'! 'Why don't ye go in? I asked." "And why didn't he?" Janet was struggling with an inclination to cry, "why didn't he?" David, fearing he had ventured upon dangerous ground, muttered: "He said he couldn't! Them was his own words. Billy was always queer. Just then Mrs. Jo G. came int' the living room.

Just fifteen thousand dollars, and he had thrown away more than that upon a poker game, before now! "Lord!" exclaimed Adam, "the very sight o' that theer Grimes's pig eyes a-starin' at Miss Anthea's furnitur' do make the Old Adam rise up in me to that amazin' extent, Mr. Belloo sir why, jest look at 'im a-thumpin' an' a poundin' at that theer chair!"