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The committee on enrolled bills examined 667 Senate bills and joint resolutions and sent them to the President and 591 became laws, the number of vetoes, including "pocket vetoes," being 76. The House of Representatives passed 1,561 House bills and sent them to the Senate, and the Senate passed 1,347 of them, leaving 214 to perish.

4 Am. Arch. ii. 504 Cooke, Virginia, 432. 4 Am. Arch. ii. 540. 4 Am. Arch. ii. 541. Ibid. 4 Am. Arch. ii. 516. 4 Am. Arch. ii. 540, 541. Ibid. ii. 529. Ibid. ii. 539, 540. 4 Am. Arch. ii. 641. Ibid. ii. 667. Ibid. ii. 710, 711. Ibid. ii. 938. 4 Am. Arch. ii. 1024. Ibid. ii. 1620, 1621.

For instance, he prevented by his veto one of his colleagues from cancelling through a decree of the people the sentences of jurymen issued under the Varian law; and when the late aedile Gaius Caesar, passing over the praetorship, unconstitutionally became a candidate for the consulship for 667, with the design, it was alleged, of getting the charge of the Asiatic war afterwards entrusted to him, Sulpicius opposed him more resolutely and sharply than any one else.

Quintus Metellus came from the mountain ravines of Liguria, whither he had made his escape from Africa, and resumed, as colleague of Sulla, the proconsular command committed to him in 667, and withdrawn from him by the revolution. Marcus Crassus in like manner appeared from Africa with a small band of armed men.

In 1844 the dog tax of forty-two cents a head gave a revenue of $12,600 in the entire province of Brabant, containing 667,000 inhabitants. From this it may be estimated that the same tax, producing in all France $600,000, would lighten the taxes of QUOTITE LESS THAN TWO CENTS a year for each individual.

What is lost in grandeur of composition is, on the whole, more than made up by variety, naturalness, improved handling, and higher finish. The highest perfection of Assyrian art is in the third period, which extends from B.C. 667 to about B.C. 640.

Cinna seems to have been admitted into the conspiracy only by an afterthought and merely because the intrigue, which in consequence of the restriction of the tribunician powers needed a consul to bring forward its proposals, saw in him among the consular candidates for 667 its fittest instrument and so pushed him forward as consul.

In settlement of the several contracts, the Union Pacific Railroad Company paid the Credit Mobilier: Hoxie Contract Miles Omaha to 100th Meridian 247 $12,974,416.24 Ames Contract 100th Meridian West 667 57,140,102.94 Davis Contract To point five miles west of Ogden 125 23,431,768.10 1039 $93,546,287.28

The leaders of very different parties in the civil war, Marius, Octavius, Sulla, coincided in believing omens and oracles. During its course even the senate was under the necessity, in the troubles of 667, of consenting to issue directions in accordance with the fancies of a crazy prophetess.

Whilst the books of the Treasury show an actual expenditure of $59,848,474.72 for the year ending June 30, 1860, including $1,040,667.71 for the contingent expenses of Congress, there must be deducted from this amount the sum of $4,296,009.26, with the interest upon it of $150,000, appropriated by the act of February 15, 1860, "for the purpose of supplying the deficiency in the revenues and defraying the expenses of the Post-Office Department for the year ending June 30, 1859."