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Miss Burney wrote to Mrs. Thrale in 1780: 'I met at Sir Joshua's young Burke, who is made much ado about, but I saw not enough of him to know why. Mme. D'Arblay's Diary, i. 416. Mrs. Thrale replied: 'I congratulate myself on being quite of your opinion concerning Burke the minor, whom I once met and could make nothing of. Ib. p. 418. He had been Dr.

Near the Cordillera the summit-plain on both sides of the valley is between 3,200 and 3,300 feet in height; at 100 miles from the Atlantic, it is 1,416 feet, and on the coast 840 feet, all above the sea-beach; so that in a distance of 100 miles the plain rises 576 feet, and much more rapidly near to the Cordillera.

F.W. Lowndes, M.R.C.S., British Association for the Advancement of Science, Report for 1870, p. 586. Journal of the Statistical Society, Sept., 1870, vol. xxxiii. pp. 323-326. Parliamentary Paper, No. 372, July 20, 1871: Collected Series, vol. vii. p. 606. Sixth Report of the Medical Officer of the Privy Council, 1863, pp. 454-462. Parliamentary Paper, 1864, No. 3,416, vol. xxviii.

Gaul, in which several Roman commanders assumed the imperial title, was overrun in the years from 406 to 416 by various peoples, whom the two opposing sides called in: by Burgundians, Franks, Alemans, Vandals, Quades, Alans, Gepids, Herules. The Alans, Sueves, Vandals, and Visigoths, at the same time, went to Spain. Their leaders endeavoured to set up kingdoms of their own all over Gaul and Spain.

The number of emigrants from foreign countries during the 10 years was 1,542,850. Among the individual states, the most populous are New York, which numbers 3,097,394 inhabitants; Pennsylvania, 2,311,786; Ohio, 1,980,408; Virginia, 1,421,661; Massachusetts, 994,499; Indiana, 988,416; Kentucky, 982,405; Georgia, 905,999.

Passing to France, we find the greater number of vitrified forts in the Departement de la Creuse. At Chateauvieux is an ENCEINTE of oval form, 416 feet wide at its broadest part. An earthwork, 22 feet wide at the base, serves as foundation to a wall, the outer and inner portions of which consist of small granite stones, arranged in regular layers.

Peters from the pulpit employed his eloquence to remove the blame from the grandees; and, if we may judge from the sequel, promises were made, not only that the good cause should be supported, but that the duty of revenge should be amply discharged. While the army was thus detained in the neighbourhood Whitelock, 416.

In 1839, of 31,632 employees in worsted mills, 18,416, or considerably more than half, were under eighteen years of age, and of the 13,216 adults, 10,192 were women, leaving only 3024 adult men among more than 30,000 laborers.

In 1850, when the cultivation system had been in operation eighteen years, the population by census was over 9,500,000, or an increase of 73 per cent in twenty-four years. At the last census, in 1865, it amounted to 14,168,416, an increase of very nearly 50 per cent in fifteen years a rate which would double the population in about twenty-six years.

He came to Room 418 and saw a sign on the glass reading as follows: TERENCE McMAHON INSURANCE AGENT AND ADJUSTER MAIN OFFICE OLIVER BUILDING Russell Bronson, Br. Mgr. He entered. "Want a paper?" he asked one of the men. The man took one. Ted glanced about and then went out. He had some idea of the room. He noticed that three other doors seemed to belong to the same office, Rooms 422, 420 and 416.