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Two foreign engineers whom he tempted into his service, first invented "shells." Stow, Chronicle, p. 584. State Papers, Vol. II. p. 237. State Papers, Vol. I. p. 446. Ibid Vol. II. p. 253. Lord Thomas Fitzgerald to Lord Leonard Grey: State Papers, Vol. II. p. 273.

The party reached the Bluff depot on the evening of the 21st and found that Mackintosh had been there on the 19th. Mackintosh had left 178 lbs. of provisions, and Joyce left one sledge and 273 lbs. of stores. The most interesting incident of the return journey was the discovery of a note left by Mr.

December 22, 1340, three contractors, Isnard and Raymond Durand and Jacques Gasquet, received 1,273 florins for the completed new tower, with its barbicans, battlements and machicoulis, which was on the site and which retained the appellation of the Tour de la Campane, or Bell Tower.

Now it has been found by experiment that gases under uniform pressure expand 1/273 of their volume for each degree Centigrade of increased temperature, so that in passing from 0° C. to 273° C. they are doubled in volume. Hence if this goes on to-273° C. a gas will have no volume, or it will undergo some change of nature.

Lavergne, les Economistes, 219. Turgot, iii. 335; viii. 273, 330. The financial situation of France was undoubtedly serious. The cause of this was far less the amount of the debt, or the excess of expenditure over revenue, than the total demoralization of the public service. The expenses of the court were not less than thirty millions.

'Nations are the citizens of humanity as individuals are the citizens of the nation, and again, 'The pact of humanity cannot be signed by individuals, but only by free and equal peoples, possessing a name, a banner, and the consciousness of a distinct existence. Ibid., vol. v. p. 273.

The attention of Congress is called to the annual report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the condition of the public finances. The ordinary revenues from all sources for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1879, were $273,827,184.46; the ordinary expenditures for the same period were $266,947,883.53, leaving a surplus revenue for the year of $6,879,300.93.

SYMPATHIES. In the spiritual world sympathies are not only felt, but also appear in the face, the discourse, and gesture, 273. With some married partners in the natural world, there is antipathy in internals, combined with apparent sympathy in their externals, 292. Sympathy derives its origin from the concordance of spiritual spheres, which emanate from subjects, 171.

When he was in Virginia, he thought the troops which were left for the defense of the city ought to be sent to reinforce him, the city was safe enough! He telegraphed to Governor Denison of Ohio to pay no attention to Rosecrans' request for troops. He thought that 20,000, with what could be raised in Kentucky and Tennessee, was enough for the Mississippi Valley, while he needed 273,000.

The lowest stage was 273 feet each way; it rested upon a platform of sun-dried brick which rose but a few feet above the level of the plain. Supposing these measurements to be exact they suggest a building which was nothing extraordinary either in height or mass. The dimensions furnished by Rich and Ker-Porter are much greater.