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I hope the day will never arrive when I shall neither be the object of calumny or ridicule, for then I shall be neglected and forgotten. Croker's Boswell, p. 837. See ante, ii. 61, and pp. 174, 273.

Calculating on a successful campaign, a supply of board-stretchers, page 273, will be needed for the curing of the skins, and if our adventurous enthusiasts should extend their experience along into the winter, the toboggan and snow-shoes will come into good use for convenient winter travel. The trapping season properly commences in October and ends in April.

This work, written by one who had a long and intimate knowledge of the Khasi tribes, gives an admirable account of the people, their institutions and domestic life. See also Sir J. Hooker, Himalayan Journal, Vol. II, pp. 273 et seq.; Dalton, Descriptive Ethnology of Bengal; and a series of papers by J. R. Logan, in the Journal of the Indian Archipelago, 1850-1857. Mr.

At Rome the vogue of Mithraism became so great that in the third century A. D., it was quite doubtful whether it OR Christianity would triumph; the Emperor Aurelian in 273 founded a cult of the Invincible Sun in connection with Mithraism; and as St. Jerome tells us in his letters, the latter cult had at a later time to be suppressed in Rome and Alexandria by PHYSICAL FORCE, so powerful was it.

The receipts into the Treasury from all sources during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1858, including the Treasury notes authorized by the act of December 23, 1857, were $70,273,869.59, which amount, with the balance of $17,710,114.27 remaining in the Treasury at the commencement of the year, made an aggregate for the service of the year of $87,983,983.86.

Remove the skin as directed for the fox, and stretch as described on page 273. This disgusting animal has won the unenviable but deserving reputation of being the most foul-smelling creature on the face of the globe.

It was much remarked, that Sheffield, the recorder of Salisbury, was tried in the star chamber, for having broken, contrary to the bishop of Salisbury's express injunctions, a painted window of St. Edmond's church in that city. * Rushworth, vol. ii. p. 272, 273. Rushworth, Vol. ii. p. 152. State Trials, vol. v. p 46. Franklyn, p. 410, 411, 412. * Rushworth, vol. ii. p. 186.

The revenues of the Government for the year ending June 30, 1889, ascertained for the quarter ended September 30, 1888, and estimated for the remainder of the time, amount to $377,000,000, and the actual and estimated ordinary expenditures for the same year are $273,000,000, leaving an estimated surplus of $104,000,000.

Onondagas at Onondaga..................... 300 Stockbridge............................... 217 Munsees................................... 132 Brothertowns.............................. 360 Oneidas in New York....................... 620 Oneidas at Green Bay...................... 600 St. Regis in New York..................... 350 Tuscaroras................................ 273

The bodies of men viewed interiorly are merely forms of their minds exteriorly organized to effect the purposes of the soul, 310. See Mind. Every thing which is done in the body is from a spiritual origin, 220. All things which are done in the body by man flow in from his spirit, 310. Man when stripped of his body is in his internal affections, which his body had before concealed, 273.