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"Et Croesum quem vox justi facunda Solonis Respicere ad longae jussit spatia ultima vitae." Juv., Sat. x., s. 273. The story of the interview and conversation between Croesus and Solon is supported by so many concurrent authorities, that we cannot but feel grateful to the modern learning, which has removed the only objection to it in an apparent contradiction of dates.

In 1799, when the spokesmen of the fishery interests appeared before Congress to plead for aid, they brought papers from the town of Marblehead showing that the average earnings of the fishing vessels hailing from that port were, in 1787, $483; in 1788, $456; and in 1789, $273. The expenses of each vessel averaged $275.

It seems to be trying to remind you of something or other. You do not listen. You laugh as you open it. You know that if you examined these shirts you would find them marked '273. Before dressing for dinner, you take a hot bath. There are patent taps, some for fresh water, others for sea water. You hesitate. Yet you know that whichever you touch will effuse but the water of Lethe, after all.

The coal-trade of Cleveland, in 1858, was 129,000 tons. A large amount was also shipped from Erie. In 1858, the salt-trade of the Lakes amounted to more than six hundred thousand barrels, most of which was shipped from the port of Oswego on Lake Ontario. The lumber received at Chicago in 1858 amounted to: Boards, 273,000,000 feet; shingles, 254,000,000; lath, 45,000,000: worth $2,442,500.

France exported thither goods valued at no more than 35,273,000 francs. Owing to Roumania's grievances against Russia whose seizure of Bessarabia nearly forty years ago left a wound which festered for years and has only recently been cicatrized King Carol concluded a military convention with the Austro-Hungarian empire, the stipulations of which have never been authoritatively disclosed.

Apparently his retreat was undisturbed; he succeeded in carrying off his booty and his prisoners, among whom were several satraps, and he retained possession of Mesopotamia, which continued to form a part of the Palmyrene kingdom until the capture of Zenobia by Aurelian, A.D. 273. The successes of Odenathus, in A.D. 263, were followed by a period of comparative tranquillity.

They were healthy and living, but quite small. The mother was married six years previously and then weighed 273 pounds. She had given birth to 2 pairs of twins, and, with these 3 boys and 5 girls, she had borne 12 children in six years. She herself was a triplet and her father and her mother were of twin births and one of her grandmothers was the mother of 5 pairs of twins.

The skin should be stretched as described on page 273. The United States are blessed with several species of this animal. The Grey Wolf, which is the largest, and the smaller, Prairie Wolf or Coyote, being the most commonly known. There are also the White Wolf, Black Wolf and the Texan or Red Wolf.

The mound may well have been a haunted, a sacred spot ever since the ashes of the dead and their costly weapons and ornaments were committed to its keeping far back in the Neolithic age. Instances might easily be multiplied. Müller, p. 203; Map, Dist. iv. c. 13. Gerv. Dei," l. ii. c. 25. Jahn, p. 182, quoting Arndt. Knoop, p. 10; Bartsch, vol. i. p. 273.

D. Appleton & Co. 12mo. pp. 366. $1.25. Life of William T. Porter. By Francis Brinley. New York. D. Appleton & Co. 12mo. pp. 273. $1.00. By Henry S. Frieze, Professor of Latin in the State University of Michigan. New York. D. Appleton & Co. 12mo. pp. 598. $1.25. What may be Learned from a Tree. By Harland Coultas, Author of "Organic Life the same in Animals as in Plants," etc. New York.