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The members of the Military Revolutionary Committee did not leave the Smolny during the entire week. They slept on sofas and only at odd intervals, wakened by couriers, scouts, cyclists, telegraph messengers and telephone calls. The night of the 24th-25th was the most restless.

On the division they and their party abstained, so that the majority dropped to 77. Up to this point it is still true to say that the Nationalist party were constant to their faith in strictly constitutional action. But a new development was imminent. On the night of Friday to Saturday, April 24th-25th, Ulstermen brought off their first overt act of rebellion.

If no further blizzard clears the Strait it can be said for this season that: The Bays froze over on March 25. The Strait ,, ,, ,, April 22. ,, ,, dissipated April 29. ,, ,, froze over on April 30. Later. The Hut Point record of freezing is: Night 24th-25th. Ice forming mid-day 25th, opened with leads. 26th. Ice all out, sound apparently open. 27th. Strait apparently freezing. Early 28th.

In this attack our Battalion cooperated after a few days' renewed rest at Hamel, where the immediate awards to officers and men for the fight at Ronssoy were made. The attack, on the night of the 24th-25th resolved itself, as far as the Battalion went, into a demonstration.

To save the sacrifice of a platoon, Freyberg, who was at that time a company-commander in the Hood battalion, pressed to be allowed to achieve the same object single-handed. His wish was granted; and on the night of the 24th-25th of April, oiled and naked, he swam ashore, towing a canvas canoe containing flares and a revolver.

This point of Maubeuge and of its fall must be discussed later; for the moment all we need note is that the fortress afforded for a few hours that is, during the night of Monday to Tuesday, the 24th-25th August support to the British line during its first halt upon the rapid and perilous retirement from Mons.