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I , ch. iv; H. O. Wakeman, The Ascendancy of France, 1598-1715 , ch. viii, xii, xiii; Arthur Hassall, The Balance of Power, 1715-1789 , ch. v, xi; A. H. Johnson, The Age of the Enlightened Despot, 1660-1789 , ch. iv, v; H. T. Dyer, A History of Modern Europe from the Fall of Constantinople, 3d ed. rev. by Arthur Hassall, 6 vols. , ch. xxxvi, xxxviii, xli, xlix, 1.

HENRY IV, RICHELIEU, AND MAZARIN. Brief general accounts: H. O. Wakeman, The Ascendancy of France, 1598-1715 , ch. i-vii; Mary A. Hollings, Renaissance and Reformation, 1453-1660 , ch. xi, xii; J. H. Sacret, Bourbon and Vasa, 1610-1715 , ch. i-vii; A. J. Grant, The French Monarchy, 1483-1789, Vol. V, ch. vi-viii, Vol. VI, ch. i. More detailed works: Histoire de France, ed. by Ernest Lavisse, Vol.

The following three volumes in the series entitled Periods of European History, give an account of this period in somewhat shorter form: Richard Lodge, The Close of the Middle Ages, 1272-1494 ; A. H. Johnson, Europe in the Sixteenth Century, 1494-1598 ; H. O. Wakeman, Europe, 1598-1715 .

I , ch. i-iii; H. O. Wakeman, The Ascendancy of France, 1598-1715 , ch. ix-xi, xiv, xv; A. H. Johnson, The Age of the Enlightened Despot, 1660-1789 , ch i- iii, vi; J. H. Sacret, Bourbon and Vasa, 1610-1715 , ch. viii- xii; Arthur Hassall, Louis XIV and the Zenith of the French Monarchy in the "Heroes of the Nations" Series; H. T. Dyer, A History of Modern Europe from the Fall of Constantinople, 3d ed. rev. by Arthur Hassall , ch. xxxvii, xxxix-xl, xlii-xliv; A. J. Grant, The French Monarchy, 1483-1789, Vol.