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I , ch. iv; H. O. Wakeman, The Ascendancy of France, 1598-1715 , ch. viii, xii, xiii; Arthur Hassall, The Balance of Power, 1715-1789 , ch. v, xi; A. H. Johnson, The Age of the Enlightened Despot, 1660-1789 , ch. iv, v; H. T. Dyer, A History of Modern Europe from the Fall of Constantinople, 3d ed. rev. by Arthur Hassall, 6 vols. , ch. xxxvi, xxxviii, xli, xlix, 1.

II , ch. i-iv; A. H. Johnson, The Age of the Enlightened Despot, 1660-1789 , ch. vii, viii; Ferdinand Schevill, The Making of Modern Germany , ch. i, ii; Arthur Hassall, The Balance of Power, 1715-1789 , ch. vi-ix; C. T. Atkinson, A History of Germany, 1715-1813 , almost exclusively a military history; H. T. Dyer, A History of Modern Europe from the Fall of Constantinople, 3d ed. rev. by Arthur Hassall, 6 vols. , ch. xlv-xlviii.

On Gustavus III of Sweden: R. N. Bain, Scandinavia, a Political History of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, from 1513 to 1900 . On the Dutch Netherlands in the eighteenth century: H. W. Van Loon, The Fall of the Dutch Republic . On Joseph II: A. H. Johnson, The Age of the Enlightened Despot, 1660-1789 , ch. x, an admirable brief introduction to the subject; Cambridge Modern History, Vol.

I , ch. i-iii; H. O. Wakeman, The Ascendancy of France, 1598-1715 , ch. ix-xi, xiv, xv; A. H. Johnson, The Age of the Enlightened Despot, 1660-1789 , ch i- iii, vi; J. H. Sacret, Bourbon and Vasa, 1610-1715 , ch. viii- xii; Arthur Hassall, Louis XIV and the Zenith of the French Monarchy in the "Heroes of the Nations" Series; H. T. Dyer, A History of Modern Europe from the Fall of Constantinople, 3d ed. rev. by Arthur Hassall , ch. xxxvii, xxxix-xl, xlii-xliv; A. J. Grant, The French Monarchy, 1483-1789, Vol.